The Guiding Voice
Asia Podcast Awards 2024 Winner in Education Category! Conversations that simplify and amplify your journey to success
Does everything make you feel sad or less energetic?
Do you want to know how happiness can make you a better professional?
Do you feel unsatisfied or unhappy in your life?
Well, you have landed on the right spot! Here is a quick guide for you so that you can be more happy, productive, and energetic the whole day.
Happiness is a term associated with one’s mental state, it indicates a state of wellbeing and brings out pleasant emotions such as joy and life satisfaction.?
Happiness is related to one’s professional life in many ways as well. It is the key factor most students don’t consider while deciding their careers. This can take a hard toll as studies show happiness and job satisfaction are very much important not only for a good professional life but for personal life as well.?
Let us deep-dive into this conversation about happiness and how do we really achieve it?
In the blog:
What is happiness and how does it define us?
Happiness is a self-generated state of mind which can be triggered by external reality. It is an omnipresent feeling embedded deep within our mind and body. The hard part is, it’s just not easily accessible. One of the main reasons for this is that our brain is overcrowded with many negative thoughts and emotions thereby hiding our real emotions is not just easy, it’s involuntary! It is ‘something to be’ rather than ‘something to achieve’ and quite hard to achieve as well.?
Happiness defines us in many ways. It affects our personality, emotions, productivity, and mental health. Happiness not only has mental health benefits but it has numerous physical benefits too. It lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, gives us better sleep, improves diet, and helps to maintain normal body weight.
How to overcome negativity?
Happiness follows a positive state of mind, which is very difficult to maintain with all the problems and situations one might face daily. One helpful exercise to overcome this negativity is asking yourself certain questions daily before sleeping and committing to these questions. Here are a few examples:
These kinds of questions will help you access the hidden happy emotions in your mind and help you get a night of better sleep and in turn make you a better person the next day.
“There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path”
Ways to find happiness and grow with it.
Growing with your happiness starts when you start to do activities that make you feel joy and comfort. These activities or routines are called happiness habits. Happiness habits can be the same or different for every individual. Here are some common happiness habits, how and why they can help you be in a better state of mind:
1.Physical Exercise:
How: Simple Exercises like skipping or running, Yoga, Dance, etc.
Why: Due to a release of a happy chemical called Endorphin. This chemical or neurotransmitter is released by our body and it makes us more agile, active, and energetic.
2. Meditation:
How: Close your eyes and sit down at a place and immerse yourself into your thoughts for a few minutes (Say 15-20)
Why: Helps in shrinking the amygdala and hippocampus parts of the brain which will help you become calmer and more centered, which will make you happier and more positive.
3. Altruism:
How: Random acts of kindness.
Why: A random act of kindness can boost your confidence, sense of control, happiness, and optimism. It may also inspire others to repeat the nice behavior that they've witnessed, resulting in a more positive community.
How does gratitude help in cultivating happiness?
Gratitude means focusing on your blessing rather than your hardships. It is an exercise to train your brain in being positive. Gratitude is essentially the cheerleader for the team to make a big score, the team here being good emotions such as happiness, joy, comfort, calmness, and satisfaction.?
We as humans are wired to find negativity first. This is as our brain is trained to keep us safe, not happy. Gratitude helps our brain to see the positive things happening around us which results in happiness.?
Gratitude though is also complicated in many ways. Simply helping someone won’t essentially make you happy. It must be natural, meaningful, and enjoyable for you or else gratitude won’t help you find or cultivate happiness.
This post has a few excerpts from #TGV132 episode where Neha Pant Tewari has shared "The science and secrets of happiness"
Here is the video interview:
Audio version:
We’d like to learn from you on what makes you happy.
Will look forward to your comments and also feel free to share your feedback on our blogs!
Read our previous post on "One Step at a TIME"
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Excellent write up Yash Chiddarwar!!