The Path to Greatness – Seek the Big Picture Solution
As I prepared for a recent article I wrote on Peo-Life and Pro-Choice I visited an article I wrote sometime back on The TRUTH About Abortion. In it I shared that there’s “reason for people on opposing sides of abortion to talk, even if they disagree - talks between abortion-rights and anti-abortion advocates found that respectful conversation produces numerous positive outcomes. It helps people listen more deeply and forge personal connections, which can reduce negative stereotypes and foster respect and empathy.”
In reading a section of Lisa Earle Mcleod’s book The Triangle of TRUTH today, I was reminded about a passage that says, “The path to greatness is forged by people who have the courage to assimilate big picture truths.” She had been talking about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and how they worked closely together, even though complete opposites, to write the Declaration of Independence. She talked about how they had not limited themselves by the restrictions of their own strong beliefs nor the convenience of what she called false choices.
This brought me back to the strong divide between Pro-Life and Pro-Choice advocates. Here is the brief listing of the arguments from both sides I presented in that article: 10 arguments for abortion and 10 arguments against abortion, 20 statements that represent a range of topics.
Pro-Life Arguments
?Pro-Choice Arguments
They are not, by any means, a complete listing nor a complete representation of the arguments (see Linda Lowen’s article in Thought Co). They are only intended to help identify the common ground of the value of human life. Take for example #10, both sides admit the stress of abortion on the mother and a concern for her mental well-being. This is a start in seeing a bigger picture.
Perhaps if Jefferson and Adams could set aside the many serious issues that they were facing to help establish a nation, we can find another path, another way to solve this serous dividing problem. Do we truly have to choose between two important ideals? Are these the only choices? Or is there another way? We can and we must do better!
The path of true greatness is found by seeking different perspectives. We must abandon the either/or mentality to adopt an "and" approach, holding space in mind for the other's perspective. In doing so, we demonstrate that we want a solution that's great for everyone. We ask, as a result, better questions and demonstrate that we actually care about what the other person thinks.
As you probably know by now, I value human life and have spoken out about all forms of ending it or abusing it. Life is, I believe, given to us as a gift by God! No matter what the circumstances, we do not have the “right” to end it. I'm not willing to compromise this position because it is at the very foundation of my faith and beliefs. This does not mean, however, that I cannot see other perspectives and seek common ground with others that might have just as strong opposing beliefs.
There is always another way, but it cannot be found if both sides of an issue refuse to look for it or even consider it when it is found.