The path to Goldman Sachs is via Used Car Sales
Rondal Eric Powell
MP, Ind. Sales & Strategy Consultant Inst. Securities, Asset Management & Alternatives at Rondal Eric Powell Consulting
Did you know the way to become a Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid and suck the life out of an investment banking client and spit him/her out is via Used Cars?
Axiom 1
Everything in life is Sales.
Axiom 2
You only get what you negotiate.
Axiom 3
Never work in a low margin business.
Axiom 4
Goldman Sachs über alles.
The proper trading/training ground for a young Goldman Sachs Used Car Salesman or woman is in a small redneck town in Florida like Vero Beach, Florida in Indian River County, the most corrupt place for government, police, judiciary and car dealerships in the world.
Even Satan doesn't buy his next used car from the local Chevy or Toyota dealership in Vero Beach because the business practices are so insidious. They will see you a wrecked red 2008 Corvette without the proper disclosure on the Florida car title at the blink of an eye and later tell you in private that you have to take it up the backside like all of the other little guys in town.
One day the Devil got really tired of this shit, and he called a meeting of NYC Mafia Commission together to get some advice on the proper way to clean up the scene after a Mob Top Guy hit.
The Devil had already decided to have Tokyo Bob (he has his own radio advertisement, featuring him and Tokyo Rose, note they are not related by marriage or blood, but are truly "partners in crime") and Willy Dee trimmed, but not assassinated, deeming their soles to insidious for Hell.
His pet dog Cerberus, guardian of the gate to Hell, threatened a walkout strike, if the Devil admitted them to his burning prison. Even Adolf Hitler, Herman Goering, Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Eichmann, Sepp Dietrich, Dr. Mengele demanded early release from Hell - if they had to associate with such common, scum of the earth, car criminals.
The Commission decided that a new Ghost Rider was the Devil's first, best solution, so they recommended purchasing the soul of an investment banker down are hard times, but not doing hard time for securities crimes. The German team demanded a German player, so the Devil compromised an picked an American, living 35 years in Frankfurt, Germany as the next Ghost rider, and sent him a Man of War Jelly fish to sting him, a lady of the night to wash of the wound, thus, a new ghost rider was born with the motto - "Axiom 4" - the Truth is my friend and constant companion.
This American Ghost Rider had "idle hands", so he was seduced to the darkside of the Force and began seeking out and calling out the every "agent of evil" he encountered, including Tokyo Bob and Willy Dee, trading used cars with many know people such as President Nixon, Slick Willy, Bernie Cornfield, Mike Milken, Bernie Madoff, Donald Trump, Benedict Arnold among others.
However, surprisingly there were no Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid Ghost Rider victims - because they are ALMOST ALWAYS in COMPLIANCE with Federal, State and Local Law. That's why the Devil hates them. They don't easily succumb to temptation.
The moral of the story is:
1. Be your own best, first Compliance Officer,
2. You only trade off your personal reputation, not the bank for which you work,
3. Don't do anything you cant tell your mother,
4. Do everything in the light of day,
5. You don't have to cheat and steal to get ahead and be successful,
Never underestimate the powers of old white guy German investment bankers - we always come back from the dead to haunt you, we never give ups (remember the Tiger tanks), we never take no for an answer, we never quit or give up until the mission is completed, especially we Deutschbanker.
Our Motto is: Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich staerker....and we are not even at the peak of our abilities and power, not yet....not yet....
Rondal Eric Powell, Managing Partner, REP Consulting with offices in Frankfurt, Germany and Vero beach, Florida
MP, Ind. Sales & Strategy Consultant Inst. Securities, Asset Management & Alternatives at Rondal Eric Powell Consulting
8 年I don't have a crystal ball, a tooth fairy, lucky good charm, just observation skills, experience in multiple countries, a network of contact around the globe, common sense, intelligence, woman's intuition, the ability to come back from the dead in business as well as private life, luck and a golden "get out of jail" free card from the guy upstairs.
Journalist, Writer, PR Professional, Communication Consultant
8 年Are u saying u can predict pay-off margins of high-risk investment scenarios? ;) Which would be more promising compared to what I learned: you are good when you make every fourth or fifth call a hit
MP, Ind. Sales & Strategy Consultant Inst. Securities, Asset Management & Alternatives at Rondal Eric Powell Consulting
8 年I only take the high risk when the potential pay-off id high. No pain, no gain.
Journalist, Writer, PR Professional, Communication Consultant
8 年P.S.: The Like does not include the first half of your motto that contradicts your above thoughts and more or less suggests a high-risk strategy due to long-term benefits