A Path to Follow - The Reddy Finney Story - MPT September 1st 6PM

A Path to Follow - The Reddy Finney Story - MPT September 1st 6PM

A Path To Follow - The Reddy Finney Story

Broadcasting on MPT September 1st 6pm. Check you local listing for station numbers.

Very Special Thanks: Gilman School, Players Philanthropy Fund - PPF & Everyone that believes and supports projects the Baltimore community. This film would not have been created without the love for your community.

A Path To Follow honors the legendary Redmond Finney and his many efforts to promote diversity, inclusion, and equitable during a tough time in our nation’s history. Through interviews and imagery, the biopic showcases the lasting impact and positive influence that Mr. Finney had and continues to have on the education community.

Featuring: Reddy Finney, Wally Pinkard, Stuart Simms, Willard Wiggins, Tim Holley, Johnnie Foreman, Travers Nelson, Keffe Clemons, Stewart Finney jr, Bob Ehrlich jr, Bill Greene, Joe Duncan, and Stephon Jackson.

Directed by: Andrew Schwartz

Produced by: Todd Yuhanick

Editor: David Grossbach

Original Score: Caleb Stine

Archivist: Johanna Schen

Colorist: Matt Riggieri

Sound Design & Mix: Studio Unknown

Executive Producers: Todd Yuhanick, Nicholas Kovacic, Matt Riggieri, Edwin Warfield.

Music for the trailer: "Daydream"by Eric Kinny.

Licensed under: Musicbed


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