The Path to Focused Excellence: Unveiling the Secrets of Expert Focus
Dr. Soha Emam
Multi Award Winning Leader - Senior Executive Leader - Ph.D. holder-Purpose Driven-Strategic Communication-Class Marketing- Speaker - Moderation - International Certified Master Trainer -Events -Executive Coaching
In the pursuit of excellence, experts often advocate for laser-like focus and commitment to one thing. "Focus on what matters. Eliminate distractions. Excel in one domain," they proclaim. Sound advice, indeed. As I've delved into the lives of successful individuals across diverse fields—be it artists, athletes, or entrepreneurs—one resounding truth emerges: focus is a cornerstone of achievement.
Yet, amidst this counsel lies a conundrum—how does one determine what to focus on? How does one sift through the myriad options and discern where to channel their energy and attention?
While I don't possess all the answers, allow me to share what I've gleaned so far.
"Until Something Comes Easily..."
Like many entrepreneurs, my initial business endeavors were fraught with trials. I ventured into the market without a clear target audience—naturally, my product went unnoticed. I fumbled through relationships, made avoidable errors, and attempted various business ideas, hoping one would stick. It was a year of trials, errors, and learning.
During this tumultuous phase, I received invaluable advice: "Try things until something comes easily." Embracing this wisdom, I explored several ventures over 18 months. Each experiment provided insights, and eventually, I stumbled upon something that felt effortless—a beacon amidst the chaos. This discovery allowed me to simplify and focus my efforts.
This was my first lesson in figuring out what warrants focus. Sometimes, casting a wide net initially unveils what comes naturally. Trying diverse paths can unveil where one's strengths lie, paving the way for focused success.
Making the Call on Focus
Assuming a willingness to experiment, the next hurdle is recognizing what feels natural. How does one identify what comes easily?
In my experience, observation and measurement are key. Tracking efforts—be it in marketing, workouts, or practice sessions—sheds light on what resonates best. However, there's a pivotal moment where observation meets action—a crossroads in entrepreneurship.
Deciding between exploration and commitment, innovation and mastery, marks this pivotal juncture. There's no perfect time to simplify and focus. Entrepreneurship lacks a playbook. At some point, one must decide. More information isn't the answer; making a choice is.
The Volume of Work
Upon identifying potential areas of focus, it's time for the real work—a volume of dedicated efforts. Not sporadic attempts, but consistent, repetitive work. It's about embracing the grind, falling in love with the mundane, and staying the course.
Whether it's mastering style, cooking, or writing, excellence requires repetitions. Want to be an expert cook? Prepare countless meals. Dream of being a writer? Write extensively. Only through sheer volume do the core principles of success emerge.
Getting to Simplicity
Finally, after exploration, focused effort, and consistent practice, comes simplification. As Blaise Pascal eloquently stated, "If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter."
Mastering the essentials is a prolonged journey. Yet, it's through this journey—trying, focusing, and practicing—that clarity emerges. With time and experience, the unnecessary fades away, leaving behind the essential—the bedrock of expertise.
In the pursuit of excellence, focus is not just about choosing one thing; it's a journey—a journey of exploration, commitment, and relentless practice. Mastery doesn't emerge overnight; it's an evolution, a process of simplification born from understanding the fundamentals.