The Path into the "Dynamics of Death"
Some have gone off course to say that we should not fear the Angel of Death who was only mentioned in the pictures for the first two installments of this series about the "Dynamics of Death".
We as Believers in Jesus as Lord are instructed by the Word to be Buried with Him in this process called Baptism.
The problem as I see it is that most people do not really grasp the entirety of the commitment that being Baptised represents.
Paul writes in Romans Chapter 6 verse 3.., that we were Baptised into his death.
In Romans Chapter 6 verses 4 - 7 we see..,
- That we are buried with him
- We should walk in newness of Life
- That we will be involved in His Resurrection
- We should henceforth not serve sin
- To be dead is to be free from sin.
After being Baptised this is where we are really suppose to start to change our lives as believers.
Once we are Baptised we are to "Walk in a Newness of Life"..,
What does this mean ???
Looking at Romans Chapter 8 Verse 1 we find these words..,
- Freedom from Condemnation in Christ Jesus,
- We are not to walk after the flesh,
So there is a walk of flesh...,
To stop here would leave us a bit hopeless so Paul goes on to say..,
- Walk after the Spirit.
How do we Walk after the Spirit ???
The answer to this question is found in Romans Chapter 8 verse 5 - 8 which states..,
- Flesh walkers mind the things of the flesh and..,
- Spirit walkers mind the things of the Spirit.
- To be Flesh minded is death
- To be Spiritually Minded is Life and Peace
- The Flesh Mind is an enemy of God
- Flesh Mind is not subject to God
- Walking in Flesh mind means we cannot please God.
- To be flesh minded is death !!!
Do you see the answer ?
In order for us to Walk after the Spirit we must Renew our Minds..,
Change the way we think : ) !!!
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Michael, thanks for sharing!
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6 年Most people confuse religion and relationship. I don’t label myself personally. I remain open; loving, and spiritually connected with our universe.