On A Path To Destruction
On A Path To Destruction
Your tears and my tears
your anger and my anger
are worth nothing
if you or I
can’t look into our souls
and into each others eyes
and say together you have worth
your anger and my anger will only be
loud noise
that fills the air and the streets
if your vision or my vision is incapable
of seeing injustice
then our tears are only temporary
and are worthless
then what drips from our lips will dry up
and be only a moment of lip service
and you and I know
there have been years upon years of lip service
if you or I can’t really see the inequality
then there is no use of either you or I
too march in the street
there can only be a continuation
and an escalations
and a nation that that is destined to go up in flames
you and I have to reach down deep
no one is exempt
Clyde A. Wray
May 30, 2020
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The Death Of George Floyd
And many more