The Path to Authenticity
Marco da Silva - Mentor de Vida
Acompa?o a profesionales a experimentar una mayor fluidez consigo mism@s, y reconectar con la pasión y el disfrute de la vida
This is the commitment where my desire for constancy lies the most - being authentic. I know that when I achieve it, I am doing it from the wisest part of me and also that I am exercising my self-love. Below I share with you my wanderings about authenticity; its meaning, what it means to choose to live from authenticity, the archetype of authenticity, the stages we can go through until we allow ourselves to become more authentic, and finally I share with you some exercises to help you connect with your authenticity.
And why is this so important? Because, at least for me, authenticity is the ability to feel free to express the uniqueness of who we are. To allow the light within us to shine and inspire.
Would you like to come with me? Let's embark on this journey together?
Defining Authenticity
I found different definitions of authenticity, given by thinkers, philosophers, coaches and psychologists. I share with you a few that I see as being complementary. If you read them with an awakened feeling, they are in themselves agents of reflection and change of perception.
"Authenticity always and absolutely carries with it a demand and a duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your beacons in the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realisation rumble through your veins and shake those around you". Ken Wilber
"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we should be and embracing who we are". Brené Brown
"As you become more aligned with the truth of who you are, the question of liking yourself disappears. It is a natural state of being". Rachel Archelaus
"The most important gift we can give ourselves is the commitment to live our authentic life. (...) Every decision we make, every step we take, must be informed by our commitment to live a life that is true, honest and authentic to ourselves and ourselves alone. And as we go forward, we are sure to experience a fortune far greater than we can imagine". Robin Sharma
"I would rather prefer you hate me for what I am than love me for what I am not." Wayne Dyer
Let's give children back their right to choose to be authentic
What I did NOT learn as a child,
What I did learn,
Buf, how difficult to write the above; it makes me uncomfortable and liberating at the same time because it strengthens and sustains the personal commitment I spoke of at the beginning; to live my truth, to be real, to choose authenticity.
I agree with Brené Brown when she says that "choosing authenticity means cultivating the courage to be imperfect, to set boundaries and allow myself to be vulnerable (...) and to love wholeheartedly, even when it is hard, even when I struggle with shame and fear of not being good enough, and especially when the joy is so intense that I am afraid to allow myself to feel it". And only by practising authenticity do we "invite grace, joy and gratitude into our lives".
?I know it is not always easy to choose authenticity... but to do it, to practice it is to honour and savour the life I have been given. To do so is to love me, to respect me and to walk lightly.
The Path to Authenticity - the pilgrim metaphor
If you identify yourself with the archetype of the pilgrim (or explorer), then you practice healthy empathy, you are a free soul, independent, self-sufficient, courageous, adventure appeals to you, and you are open-minded. And you want to share your path and your being with others.
A few years ago I accompanied a coaching client on the Camino de Santiago. And I witnessed her process of stripping off the masks, the disguises, the outfits of an existence based on pleasing, and searching for approval. As always, the Camino provided the necessary conditions for this difficult awakening.?This was her "hero's journey" until she connected with her authenticity:
I think we all go through this process in different areas and moments of our lives. As you can see it is a process, a path to walk knowing that there is a goal - in this case authenticity. It is up to us to decide, with determination, to go through all the stages, to learn from all of them and to accept the change and growth given by this journey. In addition to authenticity we will certainly experience inner peace and self-love.
Practice Authenticity
In addition to what I have already outlined above, I sought a roadmap to share with you that is simple for you to follow. This is not meant to be a magic pill, you will see that it takes intention and action towards the goal of being authentic, the road ahead is fascinating and ensures deep personal transformation. I have based and adapted a fantastic article by Tchiki Davis and Starr Sites that summarises the above and leaves us with 20 ways to become more authentic:
Questions to reflect on authenticity:
I wish you all the best,
Marco Silva
For an open, honest conversation about authenticity and how you can bring more of this wonderful "thing" into your life: [email protected] or +34 690134416