The path into Artificial Intelligence . Desired by feared

I recommend to read the articule in the link from Financial Times. Very good articule, with direct connection with my article in Linkedin on June 11th, 2018: "AI will not destroy the jobs, it will reshape them".

Actually, although the articule is aiming US, it can be applied to any country in the world.

From the articule I highlight two parts:

"....Yet whether the middle class shrinks in the age of artificial intelligence depends less on machine learning than on human learning. Historical precedents help, especially what I call the Hamilton-Mann-Perkins equation: innovation plus education, plus a social safety net, equals the sum of prosperity."

"The world has ridden three swells of industrialisation occasioned by the harnessing of steam, electricity and computers. The next wave, brought to us by AI, towers over us. History shows that innovation, education and safety nets point the ship of state into the wave"

Don not fear about AI, learn about it, see the benefits it can bring to your organization, and VERY important: Implement it in a wise way. In this world, "bigger is not best" !.

1.- Don not embark on fancy big projects with big budgets, start with small projects with contained budgets, which you can understand and you can see the benefits to your company immediately.

2.- Maybe the big names are not the best companion on this transaction: Are you a huge multicountry organization?, do you have multimillion budgets?, do you have big IT, implementation, controlling teams; do you have massive data?; do you have these data cleaned and organized?,..... If not, you rather will find a better partner in a small, highly adaptable, affordable and fully oriented to client results AI boutique like hAItta (

3.- Implementing AI requires first a arduous data mining, data curation and data processing. A lot of companies dream with AI, but they are afraid to try it as they are aware that their existing data basis is a chaos, or they have the information spread among several places. Dont worry, AI boutiques like hAItta include that as a part of our services. This cannot be your stopper for an improvement on your business.

4.- More and more mid to big companies are setting up their own internal AI teams. This is very good news!. The more spread knowledge about AI, the better for the people and the companies. On this process to setup an AI team, remember that other boutique companies have gone through that process and now is our living. We can help and support you. Additionally, your AI capabilities will be initially limited to the basic AI techniques. Use the knowledge and the expertise on more complex techniques of boutiques with special AI capabilities and track record.

You have several companies who can help you on this process, dont be afraid. Use them!

#artificialintelligence #haitta #database


