Path to Achieving Goals … Counting Stones & Steps
“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” – Alvin Toffler (writer, futurist, etc)
While it’s commonly understood, that the outcome of the action-plan defines the success or failure of a goal, there are several effort/expense points along the path which can certainly be considered part of the equation, in determining the true success of your planning and associated actions. Excessive “collateral damage” (aka – missed deadlines, scope-creep, etc) were the possible consequence of an action-plan that contained too many flaws in the individual steps and/or the inadequate resource acquisition to meet the demands of the task.
“Retail is Detail – right? of course you subscribe to the business mantra. So let’s apply it across several conditions.
Identifying the details of the failed directives is crucial to correcting course, to increase odds of success. In each of the examples below, there’s the same specific concept ––> delineation of direction:
1. A manager who wants staff to follow a CRM process ...
In sales, the Ben Franklin Close is a simple way to come to a conclusion – a list of pros and cons is documented, regarding a decision of consequence and whichever list is longer, is the answer between the two choices; however, when it comes to using customer relationship management (CRM) software, sales staff tend to perceive sufficiently enough “cons”, to result in non-compliance with management’s “usage mandate.” At this crossroads, managers may be inclined to turn to verbal threats, while others utilize peer pressure of using the most successful sales professional as an example; however, executives who leverage a schedule of consistent training (answering questions, demonstrating short-cuts, commiserating with challenges), often find more success with less aggravation, in convincing staff that’s it’s in their best personal and professional interest.
With a generic message “use the CRM or else”, there’s not only the potential for push-back from staff, but there’s no definitive direction of expectation. Defining ROI benefits and/or role models may be adequate encouragement -> Showing efficiencies, automation, financial outcomes, etc engage the user’s imagination of the personal rewards from using the CRM.
2. The personal trainer with a client with a New Year’s resolution ...
Get in shape, feel great, lose weight? It’s oh-so-close, to that time of year, when many are motivated to seek assistance in exercising. Looking to row 2000 meters in 7 minutes, lose 15 pounds in 3 months or gain 5 yards with your golf driver? The best personal trainer is the individual able to articulate the minutia that matters, to mitigate frustration and injury, while concurrently creating positive personal habits/patterns that generate beneficial long-term habits. Whether to build-muscle or reduce body fat, 100 calories is a significant ‘count’ in either direction, when repeated 3x per day, 7x per week, etc.
- Tip: Your body doesn’t know it’s a holiday, so the calories count the same. There’s a formula for adding resistance and another one for cutting weight for a reason.
Consider playing the ‘odds’ with a trainer who has a plan. How often are you willing and able to conduct sessions (self-paced and via instruction). Are you deconditioned, in a maintenance phase, or ready to increase intensity. And what type of activities are results-oriented (versus common misconceptions and/or fads). Of note here, these recommendations don’t include any comments about nutrition, nor recovery and sleep, all of which are crucial towards both short and long-term success. Start moving with a program today, to see success sooner and safer.
3. Parent(s) with plans to take 3 adolescents on trip to the beach/ movies/ family-function ...
Young children are obviously masters-of-the-moment (winter weather outside, but toasty inside, so why is a coat necessary?). Young teenagers are commonly over-confident based on what they know, which is commonly insufficient to construct a wise choice (social media micro-influencers with virtual life-hacks for face-to-face interactions/ situations … you see the irony, right? PS. Let’s define ‘wise’ as Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom). Is there a middle-child? Might as well give up, cause they’ve got their own issues ?? Just kidding, (mostly). So with any age-gap, how do parents plan on successfully entertaining all parties involved? The managerial meeting that works in business often repeats itself in the family sedan. Significant direction from parents about abstract goals without constructive direction. Instead, construct ‘age appropriate’ roles based on positive experiences, with a desired outcome and reminder of rewards (financial – aka, allowance – privileges, permissions, etc). If children don’t commit, it’s a chance to assess if the ‘pitch’ matches everyone’s expectations; to determine if this is a willingness, or capability issue.
"Specifics, Bob" ...
It’s not that I’m the best employee adhering to SaaS usage, most effective personal trainer, or nominee for parent-of-the-year; rather, it’s my approach to measure-> modify-> repeat, as recommended by so many industry experts, that has produced more desired results, more often, in personal and professional instances.
And while there’s significant value to a relationship:
- Between a supervisor and employee, that allows for productivity with only a ‘directive’. (Sell more cars)
- With a trainer who knows when “just one more” isn’t safe, or necessary for motivation. (16-8 diet works every time*)
- That results in a holiday event when everyone has a reasonably good time by just showing up.
Well … until that time comes, let’s think about setting defined expectations to get from one stone, to the next.
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – John F. Kennedy
The content of the post, do not reflect the opinion and/or position of my current employer and are solely the concepts/actions of my personal endeavors.
Shawn M. Ramsey, Consultant & Trainer
25ish years automotive - Retail, OEM supplier, Vendor
25ish years group exercise, certified personal trainer
*One disclaimer, in case anyone took my "nutrition" comment seriously. I'm not a registered dietitian, nor do I profess to know yoga, cryotherapy, etc. So let's have a conversation about digestion via DMs, if you know how kale and fat combine to make for better nutrient absorption; for the rest of us, let the experts make the recommendations.