Patents which Protect: new changes that safeguard individuals in Kazakhstan
As before, patents in Kazakhstan aimed to protect public interest, principles of humanity and morality. To achieve this, the list of what Intellectual Property cannot be patented has been expanded to protect the interests of the population. The non-patentable items are:
-?????????Use of human embryos for commercial, military, or industrial use
-?????????Methods to modify human embryos and its genetics
-?????????Human cloning methods/human clones themselves.
These changes aim to make Kazakhstan a safer place for patents as it aims to protect human morality in the process.
Another small change is that proof of payment of a patent application filing fee can now be submitted 2 months after the application filing date. Previously, it had to be completed on the same day as filing. This allows for more flexibility for the innovator, making Kazakhstan an easier place to earn a patent for a product.