Patents - Licenses - Maybe a game of Bluff!
Roger La Salle
Roger La Salle, trains people in innovation, commercialisation, marketing and the new emerging art of Opportunity Capture. Several of Roger’s own inventions are on display in technology museums in Australia. In 2005 he w
By Roger La Salle
It’s tough out there
Unfortunately, the business of new products is a tough one with some products that seem like absolute winners somehow never able to succeed, yet others that on the surface would appear to be worthless, becoming raging successes.
My favorite example is the Rubik Cube. Who would ever have anticipated the success of this product, or indeed the failure of its fast follower that used triangular shapes to try and create a similar challenge?
No Patent – no profit!
The recent “Fidget Finger Spinner” fad is also a great example, so too may be the Yo-yo and the Tamagotchi digital play toy of some years back. Interestingly, the lady who invented the Fidget Spinner reportedly did not seek a patent and evidently she made no money from this amazing fad.
The question of patents is a difficult one, but one thing is for sure, too many are too quick to lodge patent applications, often at great expense and seeking protection in too many jurisdictions. This happens as people move quickly to protect what they believe is a great opportunity. This, even before they have done a proper technical feasibility study, costings, market research or even searched prior art.
All this and yet the percentage of patents that actually turn a profit is frighteningly small. Moreover, even with a granted patent, unless there is the wherewithal to defend an infringement, a patent may be of little value in any case. The exception here for the “small player” is to seek to license the product to a larger company that is prepared to fund an action against infringement.
License Agreements
This raises the issue of the License agreements and the need to spell out clearly on just whose shoulders the onus of defending the patent will fall. Of course the aim is to put this liability on to the licensee, but in our experience no licensee will take this risk unconditionally. A license agreement is the aim of many, but beware the pitfalls and the tricks that can be played, even with what may seem a water tight agreement.
In one case we were involved with after the event, a license agreement was made and a Royalty agreed, but what was not agreed was at what time after the product was released the royalties payments would commence. This may seem surprising, but none the less this oversight led to unfortunate and costly legal issues, even though the product was an outstanding success.
What’s the message?
Unless you are a major corporation, patents and IPR can be somewhat a game of bluff with many unforeseen turns, but it’s a game that if well executed can reap rich rewards.
More will be said about this in another post and perhaps an answer to the “64 Million Dollar question”, “what constitutes a good idea” and moreover, how does one systematically search for one?
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Roger La Salle, trains people in innovation, marketing and the new emerging art of Opportunity Capture. Several of Roger’s own inventions are on display in technology museums in Australia. Roger created "Matrix Thinking"?, now used in organizations in more than 29 countries. He is sought after as a speaker on Innovation, Opportunity and Business Development, is the author of four books, and a Director and former CEO of the Innovation Centre of Victoria (INNOVIC) as well as a number of companies both in Australia and overseas. He has been responsible for a number of successful technology start-ups and in 2004 was a regular panellist on the ABC New Inventors TV program. In 2005 he was appointed to the "Chair of Innovation" at Queens University in Belfast.