In Defense of the Comfort Zone: Embracing Stability and Success

In Defense of the Comfort Zone: Embracing Stability and Success

You all know I'm usually big on taking action before you're ready.?

The key word here is “usually”.


Because today, I'd like to say some nice things about the comfort zone.?

Yep, you heard me right.?

The comfort zone isn't all bad!?


There's this myth (and social media “wisdom”)

that there's no growth in the comfort zone,?

but that's just not true.


Sure, you won't make huge leaps or revolutionary changes while you're comfy,?

but you will evolve.?

And hey, evolution – as in organic progress – is super important too!


So, next time you hear, "Take action before you're ready,"?

think about where you are and consider these points:

  1. Fear vs. Danger: Are you holding back because you're scared? Fear can be a sign. But remember, asking for a promotion isn't dangerous—it's just uncomfortable. In this case, push through the fear and go for it.
  2. Exhaustion: The automotive industry and tech are tough places to be in right now. If you're feeling overworked and depleted, it's okay to stay in your comfort zone for a while. Do your job and find time to rest as you can.
  3. Life Changes: Had a baby? Taking care of elderly parents? Big changes, whatever they are for you, can make everything feel overwhelming. It's okay to slow down and stay in the comfort zone to adjust.
  4. Need for Stability: With all the change around us, sometimes you just need to sit with what you've learned and become confident while doing the same thing for a while longer.?


You can be a shooting star

and shoot for your next role, your next goal.

Or you can be a rock star?

and stay steady and stabilize those around you.?

That's perfectly fine too.


So, ask yourself:?

Is this the time for you to challenge yourself and push past the fear?

Or do you need some time in your comfort zone for slow, organic growth??


Remember, there's nothing wrong with either choice.?

We need both comfort and challenge in our lives.?


What is right for you right now?

I'd love to hear what this brings up for you!


And if you want to chat more, let's get on a call.?

I'm always happy to help!


Love, Micha



Just a quick heads-up:

I am extending my comfort zone a bit right now to include more rest.

So this newsletter may continue to not be weekly until Labor Day as I take more time to read and play.

But I always enjoy making time to talk to you!

So if you want to learn more about working with me, pick my brain or touch base?

to see if we are on the same wavelength, I invite you to get on my calendar:?



Christine Cassel


4 个月

Thank you for sharing. I love it! You CAN thrive in your comfort zone. "Be who you are and be that well"....St. Francis de Sales. However, not every Manager thinks this way. Without Management supporting and raising the employee up then you are facing a brick wall and it's time to leap. It only takes 1 Management person to be closed minded and hold you back from succeeding when everyone around the manager is telling he/she differently. Again, time to leap. That is a weak Manager and is not only hurting you and the team but the Mission. Excel at what you do best and don't let anyone stop you. There is growth for you. Just be YOU!!!!!! "There's this myth (and social media “wisdom”) that there's no growth in the comfort zone, but that's just not true." THANK YOU MICHA.

I'll keep this in mind



