Patching the Business: Complete the Agile Feedback Cycle!
Jurgen Appelo
Navigating AI between hype and doom. Author, speaker, entrepreneur, radical synthesist, resolute unfixer, and unabashed rule-breaker.
Now and then, stand still, look around, and wonder if you didn’t forget something. What you missed could be half of your business model!
After Inspect comes Adapt.
After Sense comes Respond.
And after an Experiment, you sometimes need to Patch or Pivot.
For more than half a year, our team at Agility Scales has been building a platform that offers agile coaches step-by-step guides for many agile practices. We have added support for videos and articles, and we will add more types of content later. These guides, videos, and articles will help agile teams to respond to changes and adapt their behaviors with concrete guidance.
But we missed something important.
How can we help people adapt without first inspecting what they do? How can we help teams respond without first sensing the situation they are in now? Suggestions for improvements are more sensible with awareness of the context.
All we’ve done so far was not in vain. On the contrary! Feedback from early users tells us that we made good progress, and in the right direction. However, it’s as if we’ve been working on just one half of the agile feedback cycle. The right side of the circle seems to work.
Where is the left side?
Well, we started working on it just recently! With the financial support we are getting from the crowd and large investors, we will be able to work on the “sensing and inspecting” part, for another six months at least. I expect we will be much closer to a product/market fit when our platform covers both sides of the famous agile feedback cycle.
I am calling it a patch. It’s not a “pivot” because we’re not changing our direction. And it’s not “perseverance” because we convinced ourselves to stand still, look around us, and wonder, “Hm, aren’t we forgetting something?” And yes, it occurred to us that we have to do a bit of backtracking to retrieve something important. Half of the required solution got lost in our day-to-day busyness of trying to make progress.
Half of the required solution got lost!
But no worries. We believe we found what we missed, and we have new financial fuel (more than we ever had before). Now we can update our roadmap and increase our pace on the journey ahead.
If you sign up for Mind Settlers, you will not only get excellent guides, videos, and articles about agile practices. You will also get a new way of creating awareness of what you and your team are doing. Very soon.
We are ready for 2018!
Are you?