Pastoral Prayer after the Failed Assassination of President Trump

Pastoral Prayer after the Failed Assassination of President Trump

Editors’ note:?Earlier today pastors around the United States led their congregations in praying in the wake of yesterday’s failed assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. We offer one such prayer by David Cassidy, pastor of Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Below is a lightly edited version shared with permission

It is with profound shock, grief, and sadness that our country is once again facing the specter of political violence. The assassination attempt on President Trump as he spoke at a Pennsylvania rally yesterday was an evil act that deserves condemnation across our society and among all of Christ’s servants.

Murder and its attempt is a violation of God’s law. It is an attack on his image. Political violence is not only an attack on a person but also an attempted subversion of the cherished liberties and the Constitutional order on which our Republic is founded. Many of us can recall such attacks in our lifetime, and it is right that we decry and lament them at every turn.

We may better do this today by humbly acting together as God’s people in the following ways.

First, we must give thanks to God that the life of President Trump was spared. While this heinous act injured him, it did not kill him, and for this, we may be genuinely grateful. Please join me in praying for his recovery, the comfort of his family, and his future protection from such harm.

Second, we must grieve and pray for the innocent, slain, and injured attendees of the rally and their families. This is a horrific personal crime, changing so many lives forever. The trauma of such loss and pain is great, and we must uphold all those overwhelmed with the agonizing weight of this sorrow.

In addition, we can and must pray for our country today and for all those who serve us in positions of authority and protection. How easily we forget those who are prepared to risk their lives to defend us; how quickly we forget to pray for those in office and those who aspire to such positions. Our renewed commitment to such prayer is of critical importance.

With one voice, we must reject all political violence and remind those who even jokingly refer to such terrible things that this can have no place in our society, and we must give it no place in our fellowship. As long as nations and governments exist, there will be political disagreements and differences. We must find the grace to speak of candidates and one another in ways that are not dehumanizing and give rise to extremists and their violent acts.

Our prayer for President Trump today and all who seek to hold high office must be accompanied by prayer for those already serving us: President Biden, Governor DeSantis, our senators and representatives, and all justices, whether serving at the state or federal level. Let us also remember our respective mayors, city council members, and other officials.

I hope that out of the ashes of this terrible act, a more gracious discourse and debate, a less extreme and polarized posture, and a more gracious and generous concern for one another during this election season will emerge. May God find us regularly praying together in our families and with one another for our country and for his protection and wisdom now and in the coming months.

Here is a prayer can offer together today:

Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure conduct. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom, in thy name, we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

May Christ’s peace be yours,

David Cassidy


Children and Youth Minister

7 个月

You are right dear servants of God. We pray for and with you so that Christ the Prince of Peace stands with you and takes control over every situation.

Jamhring Wanglum

Missionary at Neighbor Gospel Ministry, Chandel

8 个月

Praying for America. president and people

Kyomuhendo Johnson

Senior Pastor at Overseer

8 个月

Praying for country ,

Reinhard Behrens

Hybrid NAS Storage Solutions for the Next Generation of Storage

8 个月

Interesting, I saw a Simpsons episode once with Trump in a coffin. But this was long ago. Clearly their version of History is not accurate. For the conspiracy people, maybe JFK repeated? Jesus Christ is really the truth abide in Him.

gwen webster

Independent Design Professional

8 个月

I neither want nor need your preaching. The Christian right is a large part of the problem. This country was founded on the freedom of religion not the premise that everyone should subscribe to the same religion. Yes at that time the majority of the country were Christian’s but there were many factions and they did not always agree. What led to the last civil war was slavery. We do not need the next civil war to be about religion and the fact that many would like the country to regress by at least 100 years.


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