Is The Past Stuck In You?
Client: "Doctor, I've had a successful career and raised great kids. I have a good marriage and a comfortable lifestyle. Yet, I just can't stop thinking about what happened to me when I was 15 years old. The memories of being assaulted flash back into my mind at random times throughout the day and it's making me feel scared, anxious, and often so depressed I don't want to get out of bed."
Psychiatrist: "What happened to you occurred over 40 years ago. You need to just get over it. Let it go. You're living in the past."
Client: "It feels more like the past is living inside of me."
When the woman who told me this story related that her psychiatrist told her to "just get over it," it infuriated me!
That's the worst advice anyone can give.?
I bet that psychiatrist then offered her medication, which will do NOTHING to release her from the past trauma.
Sadly, this is the norm.
Most everyone has experienced BIG T (abuse, war, loss) or little T traumas (embarrassment, humiliation, shame).
Those painful experiences cause your brain to make up beliefs about what these situations mean about you and your safety without your permission at an unconscious level.
When you move through life with beliefs like, "I'm not safe," "I'm not worthy of being loved," or "I have to be perfect," it creates tremendous pressure, fear, and self-sabotage.
It will seem like things never work out for you on the outside, no matter how hard you work for it.?
Or even when situations are going well, you'll still feel uneasy as though the carpet will be yanked out from beneath you at any moment, making it impossible to relax or enjoy life.
Since I've also had plenty of BIG T and little T traumas, I set out on a personal mission to discover the cure for anxiety and low self-esteem.
I wanted out of my nightmare of stress, insecurity, and self-sabotage.
Over the years, I'd find a tool, technique, or strategy that seemed to produce miraculous results for a little while.
But then clients would slip back into old destructive habits.
So I searched for more ways to prevent that relapse from occurring and eventually found them.
Whenever my clients and I ran up against another wall or obstacle, I sought ways to knock them down.
After a couple of dozen years, I acquired eight "brain-training" experiences that produced extraordinary results for clients when facilitated in a specific order.
That became my OBA (One Belief Away) Method, and it's going to transform the self-help, personal development, and counseling world!
The way most mental health professionals approach psychotherapy and social work is a waste of time.
Often, it can even be more damaging, like when a good-intentioned psychiatrist tells a victim of sexual abuse to just get over it.
The BEST way to make the OBA Method mainstream is to produce so many success stories that the world will have to take notice.
So I'm launching my One Final Mission Seminars.
The marketing is targeted toward Veterans because I admire those who have served our country and want to do my part to give back.
However, the program is open to Veteran spouses, family members, and anyone who wants to triumph over their past and free themselves from anxiety, a lack of confidence, imposter syndrome, or poor coping behaviors.
One Final Mission Seminars
If you are a Veteran, Veteran Spouse, or Family Member of a veteran, please watch and share the brand new movie trailer and documentary.
If that doesn't describe you, BUT you still want all the BENEFITS, emotional freedom, and happiness that comes from going through my OBA Experiences...
CLICK HERE to learn more and enroll in our upcoming live One Final Mission online group coaching experience.
Please spread the word, and together let's make our world a more secure, loving, and happier place because it's not going to happen on its own.
:) Tim Shurr?
Your OBA Coach