Past, Present, Future : What Truly Shapes our World?
The world we live in today is not the result of what we’ve done or failed to do. It is not a ledger of actions and inactions, rather a pattern of intentions - woven over centuries by groups, societies, elite universities, governments, nations, agencies, corporations, firms, institutions, foundations, and funds - nearly in that order.
These entities shape a culture of conformity, fostering individuals whose primary function is to uphold the existing system rather than imagine new futures.
From governance to justice to media to education, innovation rarely escapes their influence, as it is consistently aligned with agendas that prioritize preserving power over meaningful transformation.
And in this intricate web, motivations have mattered far more than deeds.
We are where we are because of the desires that drive us, the beliefs that bind us, and the systems that perpetuate both.
Yet here lies the tragedy: many of the architects of our world - despite their best intentions - have lost the plot. Obsessed with proving the past correct, they have become prisoners of their own histories.
The greatest tragedy of all is their inability to imagine new futures, a failure that has impacted the future of countless others. Their focus on vindicating ideologies, religions, and institutions has turned them into guardians of history rather than creators of progress.
Those are the people who shape our world. Often, they are also the same individuals who remain clueless about how to shape their own realities. They are part of a trail of minions with minds confined and visions limited to the boundaries set by those who molded them and moved on.
The possibility: accept this as a synchronicity. If you’re reading this, maybe you’re ready to see this phenomenon for what it is… or maybe you just got lost on the internet again!
Let me know if this article offers clarity, a path forward, or a shift toward freedom, creativity, shared growth, and self-contentment. At the end, isn’t that what we all need the most?
Human Nature: The Foundation of Our World
To understand the state of the world, we must first understand ourselves.
Human nature is a paradox. we are both creators and controllers, driven by instincts yet capable of profound transcendence. The forces that shape us are the same forces that shape our systems.
Humanity thrives on stories. From myths to manifestos, our need to give meaning to the world has birthed religions, ideologies, and institutions. Yet, when these stories become rigid, they stop serving us; instead, they demand our service.
Power is the great seducer. It often begins as a tool for protection or progress but frequently becomes an end in itself. Leaders, corporations, and institutions fall prey to this allure, prioritizing dominance over purpose.
Beneath every action lies an intention, a belief. Motivations shape outcomes, even when those outcomes defy logic. This is why progress often feels slow.
In today’s world, our intentions are too often tangled in preserving the past or blindly pursuing questionable paths.
For millennia, fear has been humanity’s compass. It guided us through dangers and ensured our survival. In modern society, however, this fear has evolved into a mental sickness: a unhealthy need for control, a need to control others, systems, the future, and the unknown.
Fear has been weaponized by a few creatively challenged individuals to wield power over many.
Does this need for control drive much of the conflict we see today? Let’s take a closer look.
Dimensions of the Current State
The world we navigate today reflects centuries-old intentions - those invisible patterns shaping every action, institution, and system.
The socio-economic capitalist structure, often wrongfully heralded for fostering innovation, rewards the few at the expense of the many. It prizes end results, with victories achieved through competition.
What’s often overlooked is how these results are achieved and the cost of this competition aka exclusion. This output focused system often manifests as exploitation, where the dominant group consistently emerges as the winner.
And there you see it: men excluding women, progressives exploiting minorities, conservatives excluding LGBTQ+, religions excluding other religions, colorless exploiting colored, greed excluding sustainability, decision-makers exploiting the world, defenders excluding peace for power plays, nationalists exploiting immigrants, and the list goes on - all backed by centuries-old institutions, manifestos, and constitutions - many crafted by highly questionable individuals.
Then there are the controllers exploiting innovators, presenting stolen innovations as their own openly discriminating and harassing innovators, and in many cases, registering that stolen intellectual property in places like Ireland for some undisclosed reasons.
“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche,” Marie Antoinette might exclaim today, advised by Ivy League “winning” consultants and advisors who ensure Marie remains as disconnected from reality as ever.
Many individuals in positions of power have no boundaries beyond misusing their power to protect their own interests. They actively pursue manipulation, control, and hoarding with little regard for the cost—whether or not they realize the consequences.
As much as some of these so-called elite schools and colleges may have conditioned their graduates to see the world through their carefully curated lens, they mold them into objects relentlessly pursuing "winning".
In reality, life isn’t a neatly contained 90-minute football or lacrosse game. Hence, these so-called “winners” in real life often overlook a critical truth: their victories come at the cost of creating losers. If you take a moment to pause and consciously reflect, you’ll realize many of us live life like 9th graders - blindly chasing wins without understanding the bigger picture.
In recent decades, it’s been refreshing to see many decision-makers now recognize that the system isn’t working. However, many of them face a dilemma and a harsh reality, despite their best intensions. Their entitlement and superior upbringing compel them to add.
How Do They Add?
They add efforts for inclusion, add laws for diversity, add anti-competitive regulations, and add more - essentially layering strain onto the system and setting the stage for additional rounds of competition, henceforth, creating more losers.
Socialism, on the other hand, for all its lofty ideals, frequently stumbles under the weight of corruption and inefficiency. It’s a concept too good to be true.
Both systems fail not due to inherent structural flaws but because the motivations driving them are rooted in outdated notions of control, dominance, and self-preservation, coupled with humanity’s wishful desire to escape these very forces.
A closer observation reveals one truth: both capitalism and socialism are reflections of human motivations - systems born from scarcity, fear, and control rather than wisdom, abundance, freedom, creativity, and equity.
Politics, designed to mediate the will of the people, has devolved into a theater where ideologies clash, and governance is often overshadowed by spectacle. Leaders remain tethered to the narratives they inherited, prioritizing loyalty to these antiquated stories over actionable solutions.
Nations, instead of forging partnerships, are locked in perpetual struggles for dominance. Collaboration, arguably humanity’s greatest strength remains secondary and has been cast aside to preserve historical power dynamics.
The global stage thus becomes a battleground, where progress is stifled by conflicts that serve no purpose other than to validate the egos of those in power.
Technology, once a beacon of liberation, now straddles a precarious line. From the printing press to artificial intelligence, technology has long promised progress, however, it is repeatedly co-opted by those seeking control.
AI, a marvel of modern innovation, risks becoming humanity’s most sophisticated tool of subjugation humanity has ever known. What was once envisioned as an engine of equity and empowerment has been overshadowed by the agendas of controllers, embedding biases and for-profit priorities into its trajectory.
This is not the failure of technology itself but of the intentions guiding it.
It tells us that it is not AI that needs to be responsible. - it is us who have this need.
What I refer to here is our growing fleet of "Foundations and The Foundation Fathers" aka "tech engineers turned doctors turned biotech researchers turned mosquito-battling philanthropists, and, of course, our ever-reluctant plumbers".
The Earth bears witness to our misguided intentions. Climate change is not merely an ecological crisis; it is a moral reckoning. Humanity’s detachment from nature has left scars on the planet, reflecting our inability to look beyond immediate gains.
The environment, once seen as a partner in our survival, has been reduced to a resource for exploitation. This shortsightedness reveals a collective mindset unwilling to confront the long-term consequences of unchecked ambitions and "winning".
Even the structures supposed to unite us - education, justice, media, healthcare, governance, banking, and institutional finance - are fractured. Institutions that could serve as pillars of equality have instead become enablers of the status quo, perpetuating division and inequality.
Education prioritizes conformity over creativity, focusing on standardized testing rather than fostering critical thinking and innovation, leaving students unprepared to shape new solutions.
Justice reflects the biases of power, where marginalized groups face harsher penalties while the privileged exploit systemic advantages. You kill people for their inability to pay $20 at 7-elevens, your passionate innovators are found dead for gifting you with legal and compliant solutions, and you have killers as CEOs, supported by madams with their "people as a business" business models competing with world's oldest profession.
Those who manage to survive, you ask them to come play justice in the courts with burden of proofs with a injured person vs +-$20 Trillion gang with extra support from a Pentagon shaped building in the name of National Security?
Justice was supposed to be fair, not Ivy idiot or blind!
Media, profits from division, sensationalizing conflict and simplifying complex issues. Instead of fostering unity, it amplifies societal fractures for engagement and profit. It is as if Media has been tasked to keep cortisol levels high for unfocused attention.
Governance, charged with protecting the collective good, too often prioritizes the interests of elite groups and institutions. Shielded by the veil of immunity, it turns a blind eye to the inequities endured by the creative yet marginalized.
At times, your protectors and governors don't mind a little "foul play" - whether as part of the old MK Ultra program, initiated by the Nazis and actively pursued by the CIA, or its modern equivalent, now carried out at targets' workplaces or homes - perhaps under the guise of PROMIS and/or PRISM? or PROMISING PRISON?
Banking, once the backbone of economic empowerment, has transformed into a gatekeeper of opportunity, prioritizing wealth accumulation for the few over financial inclusion for the many.
Healthcare, intended to safeguard life and well-being, has devolved into a commodified system. It has become a upscale version of 'Aktion T4' program by Nazis and a prime mechanism for "exclusion".
I take it you also justified it with the excuse that Russia does it or in the name of national interest or because some cavemen does it too?
Institutional finance, designed to fuel growth and innovation, often distorts economies through speculative practices and a relentless focus on short-term gains, further widening the gap between those at the top and the rest of society.
The American stock market's obsession with quarterly earnings reports exemplifies the uniquely short-term focus inherent in modern capitalism.
.Our tax-funded defenders and agencies at a Pentagon shaped building shamelessly prioritize institutions, pimping out any dissent within their good old "people as a business" corpse houses, rather than protecting innovators and individuals - perpetuating inequalities.
However, at the root, who is truly to blame?
These failures are not accidental; they are the deliberate results of custodians of institutions prioritizing their own relevance, self-interest, and their lustful 'foul plays' over societal progress.
After all, immunity holders must have provided them immunity as well.
What if?
What if you could choose to rewrite this story?
What if you acknowledged that intentions, more than actions, shape systems?
What if you realized that true transformation begins with aligning your motivations to the future you genuinely need?
This is not a time for despair, but for resolve. By understanding the phenomenon of intentions, you can shift the socio-economic system at every level.
How can you chart a new course? Perhaps by asking questions and exploring solutions for immediate future?
Governance with Purpose:
How does that governance may look like?
In what direction Governance must evolve?
Should the leaders continue governing people for power? Or it's about time you demand they transcend borders and party lines to govern for people, through power?
How could you, as citizens hold the responsible accountable? Is it enough to critique; or do you believe that you must demand better?
Justice with Wisdom:
Should your justice system be fair, equitable, or blindly neutral?
Would you call it justice if the burden of proof rests on an injured perseverer lucky enough to survive - targeted by a $20+ trillion conglomerate supported by government and its security agencies - to also prove their case after enduring murder attempts and assaults?
Should your attorneys profit $29 million for securing $0.25 a piece for their fellow Americans in a class action suit and call it a victory for justice?
Capitalism of Inclusion:
How could you define the purpose of economics?
Will you continue playing capitalism as if it’s a lacrosse game or running it like world's oldest profession, or will you align your actions with the realities of everyday life?
Technology for Liberation:
Does the emergence of regenerative AI pave the way for regenerative economics?
Will you be open to define success as evolution rather than mere victory?
Could you determine how can old-age sovereign wealth funds truly deliver freedom when their foundation is built on control and consolidation?
Can new-age Tech Foundation Fathers deliver technology as liberation when their algorithms prioritize dominance and profit over humanity?
Should PRISM protect stock market value by silencing innovators? or could it be reimagined to safeguard integrity by targeting manipulative controllers and those "foul players"?
Should PROMIS serve as a tool to blackmail or surveil the public, or could it grade the character and accountability of its designers and beneficiaries?
A New Environmental Ethos:
How can you demand non-negotiable accountability from those exploiting people and the planet as mere resources for profit?
How do you ensure that innovation without ethics is no longer rewarded as progress, and always punished as failure?
Can we move beyond the 90-minute football-game mindset and embrace a collective commitment to long-term growth and balance?
How do you design a system where decisions are made by many, for many?
Will you allow AI to become another for-profit tool reinforcing systems like PRISM and sustaining hierarchies, or will you demand that AI must be harnessed for transparency, equity, and the planet’s well-being? A completely independent system in its own.
Education as Empowerment:
How could you create education that empowers rather than grades and conforms?
Should your education system focus on critical thinking, creativity, ethics, and empathy, or is it ok with you for it to continue shoving the need for "winning" from a early age?
These questions demand reflection. Their answers will shape the future - yours, ours, and the planet’s.
If the foundations of the world are built on intentions, then you must build with motivations that prioritize equity, liberation, and shared prosperity.
Let’s start with dialogue? Demand transparency?
Align your personal intentions with collective well-being?
At the end, change begins with individuals who dare to imagine differently. And if we can transform ourselves, we can transform everything.
Up Next:
To those still skeptical, stay tuned.
In the next edition of The Future Pulse by Ask A Khan, we’ll unpack the intricate dance of OpenAI , @Sam Altman of ChatGPT , Elon Musk from Tesla , Gavin Newsom at Office of California Governor Gavin Newsom , one of the prominent New Age Foundation Fathers, Bill Gates .
This case study will reveal how even the most groundbreaking innovations often subconsciously serve as stages for entrenched power plays.
We’ll also explore how a subtle shift in motivation and intention could resolve this dynamic. A small, cost-effective transformation - one far simpler than Bill Gates could imagine - could lead to an impact far greater than anything these influential men could ever achieve, despite their commitment to change and improve.
Recommended for:
BlackRock , Blackstone , T. Rowe Price , 美国道富银行 , 摩根士丹利 , 高盛 , 富达 , Vanguard ,
美国哈佛大学 , 美国麻省理工学院 , Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI), 耶鲁大学 , 美国哥伦比亚大学 , 美国普林斯顿大学 , 美国斯坦福大学 , 美国加州大学伯克利分校
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , Federal Trade Commission , U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ,
Let us observe together, for the future deserves no less than our full attention.
Stay tuned.
The Author
Ahmad S. Khan is a mentor, business growth strategist, and an entrepreneur with hands on experience in overcoming the challenges in building profitable enterprises rooted in meaningful leadership and responsible innovation. As an advisor and success partner, Ahmad empowers CEOs and executives to become innovation-centric, growth-driven, and responsible business leaders.
In 2023/2024, while working at a global eCommerce corporation in Seattle, WA, Ahmad faced significant life-threatening retaliation due to corporation's illicit business practices, corrupt leadership, and irresponsible use of AI. During this time, Ahmad also uncovered and helped America in countering strike-level critical global cybersecurity threats in March and July of 2024 - an inside job!
These firsthand experiences not only provided valuable insights into the risks of misusing AI but also deepened Ahmad's understanding of the ethical repercussions of corporate American institutes and their leader's centuries old entrenched resistance to innovation, where innovators are often met with violence and entrapped through hostility for suggesting legal and compliant solutions.
Over the past few months, and with the unwavering support of his chosen family, Ahmad has committed to helping corporate American leadership and the workforce embrace creativity and practice innovation at the intersection of Responsible AI and Meaningful Leadership.
To realize this vision, Ahmad has founded Clarity Compass Responsible Human-AI collaborative Augmented Intelligence solutions. Designed to empower corporate America's leadership at all levels, Clarity Compass provides tools for wiser decision-making, higher productivity, enhanced creativity, and shared success - all without compromising profitability.
Today, Ahmad is uniting thought leaders to help transform American capitalism beyond its outdated "people as a business" practices. Ahmad's long-term vision is to foster a future-forward, respectable, and civilized system of responsible capitalism—rooted in honorable value creation—by 2045. This transformation aims to establish a system that America can genuinely take pride in, serving as a model of integrity and inspiration for other nations.
Today, as part of his GTE Vision 2045, Ahmad is uniting thought leaders to help transform American capitalism beyond its outdated "people as a business" practices.
Ahmad's long-term vision is to foster a future-forward, respectable, and civilized system of responsible capitalism rooted in honorable value creation by 2045. A version of capitalism that works for everyone—one that America can truly take pride in and use to build a character that inspires and earns respect from other nations.
If you’ve made it this far, I invite you to reach out to collaborate, bounce off ideas and explore synergies.
And, don’t forget to pass this newsletter along to your network!
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3 个月Insightful. What’s one actionable step we can take today to shift these hidden networks of power Ahmad S. Khan?