Past Online Amazon Reviews under my real name of Stella Carrier from August 18 2016 to March 1, 2011 part forty six part four
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful
Joy Ever After, February 11, 2011
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This review is from: Love Ever After: How My Husband Became My Spirit Guide (Paperback)
This is a very beautiful and touching took to read when you know that your spirit hungers for knowledge, comfort, and an uplifting emotional boost. This book does all three because it tells a touching story of a woman named Joy who made contact with her husband(Bob) after he passed over. What initially started out as a quest for spiritual insight on a family tragedy had also turned into an unexpected journey towards accumulating increased knowledge. Here are some of the fascinating things that Joy discovered some answers to:
How to Recognize Your Life Path
How to Contact Your Loved Ones on the Other Side
How to Attract Money
Bob’s 12 step program to realize your dreams
How the soul chooses it lessons
These topics are some of what is featured in this uplifting and knowledge increasing book. For me, I definitely have learned valuable information from this book that has helped me to release over 25 pounds since I first bought this book on halloween of last year. Bob mentions to Joy that it is important for people to find ways to be happy (regardless of what is going on externally in their life), and then the weight would start to come off. Since making this important discovery, I have been releasing weight quicker, I appreciate and see the good in even more things in my life. In addition, my ability to bounce back quicker from anything that happens unexpectedly has increased, with increased wisdom on how to turn even challenges into positives that help me transform in a more joyful manner. With all this said, I definitely would say to get this book because it is inspiring, practical, and helps inspire ideas on how to attract joyful change.
Believers Never Die – Greatest Hits [CD/DVD]Offered by MEGA MediaPrice: $5.9218 used & newfrom $1.364 of 4 people found the following review helpful
Enjoyable Songs From Fall Out Boy, February 11, 2011
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This review is from: Believers Never Die – Greatest Hits [CD/DVD] (Audio CD)
This Fall Out Boy Collection is very much put together in a good fashion. You get many of the enjoyable Fall Out Boy songs.
This greatest hits compilation by Fall Out Boy is so good that I think it would be wonderful if they released more music in the future. All the songs in this collection are worth listening to for your music pleasure. However,in my humble opinion, here are my personal top favorite songs that I would recommend that one turn to first for maximum enjoyment:Thnks fr th Mmrs- this song seems to be about someone that may have had some “soap opera” moments, but they are still memorable ones.
Dance, Dance- A song that appears to be about a person that is attracted to someone, but wants to make sure that the attraction is going to be reciprocated through some type of sign (he makes this clear with the catchy and daring lyrics crawling to bed with me). I love the video to this song, and I felt that lead singer Patrick Stump did a fantastic job in creatively projecting his spirit and emotions in the song. Patrick’s vocals are so great that I can see why he was asked to lend his voice for the Gym Class Heroes single “Cupid’s Chokehold”I’m Like A Lawyer With The Way I’m Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You): this appears to be one of the more romantic songs by “Fall Out Boy”. This song appears to symbolize the message that regardless of what happens that anything can be conquered as long as they woke up to the one that means so much to them.
Beat It; This Michael Jackson classic was wonderfully done by Fall Out Boy. I love how Patrick hits really intense notes at certain points of the song such as when he talks about “truth or dare”.
The four above mentioned songs are only a sampling of what is available in this collection. I confess that this review is a little partial towards this greatest hits compilation because of the fact that I enjoy hearing Patrick Stump’s singing vocals (plus I feel that he is the heart of the band). However, what also makes this cd appealing to listen to is the wide range of lyrics used in the songs, and how the rest of the band members harmoniously create the melodies that contribute to making many of the songs enjoyable (such as in Dance, Dance). I have had this collection since January 2010, and it is still very much enjoyable to listen to. I was still living in Orlando, Florida at this time, and I lived just a couple of miles from the University of Central Florida. I remember eating at one of the places on the UCF campus, and hearing this greatest hits compilation being played (that is how popular this compilation was there). I confess that it is currently unknown to me how popular this compilation is where I live because I have only been living where I am at now since May 2010. However, what I can tell you for sure is that Fall Out Boy’s greatest hits are good to listen to and obtain if you enjoy alternative rock from the 2000’s.
Greatest HitsPrice: $7.0066 used & newfrom $1.941 of 1 people found the following review helpful
An Excellent Spice Girls Collection, February 11, 2011
This review is from: Greatest Hits (Audio CD)
Many of the hits on this cd are very high-quality and good to listen to. I remember being in high school when many of the Spice Girl’s songs were played on the radio. Many of these songs are good to listen to when you want to boost your mood and/or put yourself in a mindset to have fun and be carefree. Here are some of their hits that I would recommend listening to first:
“2 Become 1”
“Spice Up Your Life”-this was one of my top favorite songs by them when I listened to them during my high school years.
“Say You’ll Be There”
“Holler”-I confess that I became more interested in this song recently. “Holler” is a very daring song about someone wanting to give someone so much pleasure that they scream their name (which explains the name of this song).I feel that a good job was done in selecting some of their best hits. Listening to this cd also gives one a positive nostalgic feeling of some of the British music that was popular to listen to during the 90’s and the early 2000’s. My overall favorite song on this cd would definitely be “Holler”.I would recommend getting this Spice Girl’s Greatest collection if you enjoy pop/dance/pop music.
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SmoothPrice: $1.296 of 6 people found the following review helpful
One Smooth Song, February 11, 2011
This review is from: Smooth (MP3 Music)
“Smooth” is a very fun and great pop/rock song done beautifully by Carlos Santana. I remember being in my senior year in high school when I heard this song. When I saw the video to this song being played on one of the music channels there was something about it that drew me on(I just wish that I can remember if it was VH1 or MTV). Carlos made the right decision when he selected Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty to sing the vocals (Rob has a great singing voice). The reason why I say this is because I noticed that in the music video Rob Thomas really put his spirit and emotion in giving the musical “Smooth” a vibrant life of its own. “Smooth” is a gorgeous song about a man who is willing to change his life to accomodate the woman he loves, and he is asking the woman in his life to make up her mind about him. He makes this clear with the clever and catchy lyrics “so give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about it). I love and enjoy listening to Rob Thomas’s vocals in this song. In addition, I was imagining who this song was for, especially when Rob Thomas did a good job of using his voice of emphasizing the lyrics “my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa” When I found out later on that it was for his wife Marisol Thomas I was very moved and thought that was romantic and heartwarming. I say this because “Smooth” came out in 1999. It is posted online that they met in 1998 and married in 1999. At the time of this writing, they are still married (which I think is so beautiful by the way, may they enjoy more joyful and loving years together). I admit that part of the reason why I still find this song enjoyable to listen to is because I enjoy hearing Rob Thomas’s singing (Rob’s music and vocals first drew me in with the 1997 Matchbox 20 musical hit “Push”). The best way to choose whether you are going to love this song is if you enjoy music by either Rob Thomas, Carlos Santana, and/or romantic alternative rock songs.
Simply IrresistiblePrice: $0.993 of 4 people found the following review helpful
Simply Incredible, February 10, 2011
This review is from: Simply Irresistible (MP3 Music)
“Simply Irresistible” is a great feel good type of musical track that is my overall favorite by Robert Palmer. In “Simply Irresistible” Robert sings a great tune on how a woman that use to just look good to him has gotten even more beautiful and appealing to him over the years. I love it when he sings the lyrics “she is anything but typical”, and the lyrics “she’s a craze you’d endorse, she’s a powerful force”. I personally have learned ways to increase my self-love, and listening to this song is one of the ways I love to do this. I say this because listening to this song helps serve as a fun reminder on why it is important to see the beauty inside of yourself regardless of what is reflected in the outside world. Hearing this song serves as a playful reminder to always work on feeling good from within. “Simply Irresistible” is a great song that is like fine wine that gets better with time (just like his other track “Addicted to Love”). You are going to love listening to this song if you enjoy Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” musical track and/or classic rock and 80’s music.
Comments (3) | Permalink | Most recent comment: Jan 14, 2015 8:47 PM PST
Get Down, Make Love1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
A Talented Nine Inch Nails Take on a Steamy Love Song, February 10, 2011
This review is from: Get Down, Make Love (MP3 Music)
This song is definitely a title that speaks for itself. However, the lyrics and the music create a perfect musical harmony to make a sexy and steamy Industrial Rock love/very steamy song. The introduction with the male and female voices at the beginning of the song really provides the draw to follow through on listening to it. The introduction starts with a male voice asking a woman “How old were you when you first let a man make love to you?”(this is just part of the steamy intro to the song) This is a sexy and provocative musical track about a man telling a woman that he is going to make love to her as she so desires by making it clear with the following lyrics: “you take my body, I give you heat”,. The best way to think of this song is in the same shocking sexiness that is the musical masterpiece called “Closer”, but with slightly more toned down lyrics. The lyrics to “Get Down Make Love” by Nine Inch Nails are still wild in a good way, but more radio friendly than “Closer”. For example, I grew up in Illinois and I first heard and enjoyed “Get Down Make Love” around the time I was 16 and one of the alternative rock radio stations in Chicago played this during the late night industrial rock time segment. I now have this enjoyable track to own. Yes, I admit that I play “Get Down Make Love” quite frequently because it is an excellent track with high-quality industrial music and unique lyrics (plus I love daring and sexy rock songs). The best way to quickly decide if you are going to like this song is if enjoy the song “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails and/or you are looking for a steamy rock song to add to your playlist.
The Lady In RedPrice: $1.291 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Romantic and Beautiful Ballad, February 10, 2011
This review is from: The Lady In Red (MP3 Music)
I read online that Chris De Burgh actually created this song in dedication to his wife (that is so sweet). This beautiful song is about a woman wearing red, and ends up being a target of admiration at a party she is at. He ends up getting her alone, and it is easy to see this when he sings “there is nobody here, just you and me”. He mentions that he is always going to remember the way she looked that night (with the lyrics I never will forget the way you look tonight). What makes the song romantic is that at he ends the song by saying “I Love You”. This is definitely a romantic song to have in your playlist when you are in the mood for a love song to listen to that is romantic, but a little conservative.
Do You Want ToPrice: $0.993 of 3 people found the following review helpful
Makes You Want to Have Fun, February 10, 2011
This review is from: Do You Want To (MP3 Music)
This is a very catchy come hither type song by Scottish rock group Franz Ferdinand. This is a very daring song about a guy asking a woman that he met out in public if she wants to sleep with him. He basically makes this clear with the lyrics “want to go where I never let you before”. He makes references to the “arty” friends that she has, which a person listening to this song can take it as he is either propositioning her at some type of art gallery or party. The Way that lead singer Alex Kapranos sings the song is so convincing that he actually creates a believable image through the song of boldly going after the person he desires. “Do You Want To” is a very good musical track that can be played at either a party and/or makeout session. “Do You Want To” is a fun and carefree song that is in the same creative spirit as their 2004 musical hit “Take Me Out”. “Do You Want To” is a worthwhile musical track to have if you enjoy the song “Take Me Out” and/or European rock music.
The Voice (Full Version)1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Puts You in an Ecstatic and Joyful Mood, February 7, 2011
This review is from: The Voice (Full Version) (MP3 Music)
I LOVE this song “The Voice” by the British Group The Moody Blues. Many reading this may most likely remember The Moody Blues from their popular 80’s musical hit “Your Wildest Dreams”. I found this bit of info fascinating because I intend to visit England. I felt compelled to buy it less than 7 hours ago when it came to my mind. I went with this feeling because I remember first hearing it quite some time before my seventh birthday. Yes, I was very young, and it was not until a few hours ago that I understood the full meaning of the song. What I do remember is feeling a sense of peace and calm when I first heard this musical gem around the time I was 5 or 6. Obviously, much time went by before I would hear this song again. Occasionally, it would pop up in my head but for some reason I would delay in getting the song because the artist and lyrics were unknown to me up until today. I felt compelled to do something immediately by researching online because the song kept playing in my mind, and I felt a strong urge to go with the feeling. I am so glad that I did because I was fortunate to have finally discovered the name to the song, and the group. The meaning of the song is a positive message about following your inner voice and/or dreams. The musical track also serves as a positive and gentle reminder to trust in one’s inner guidance to create the desired joyful present and future. I feel lucky and blessed that I came across this song at the right time for me, and that I followed my feeling to look up the song when it was on my mind last night. I also intend to purchase the greatest hits collection by “The Moody Blues” after hearing the beautiful tune that is “The Voice”. “The Voice” is a wonderful blend of classic rock, soft rock, and 80’s pop. I would say to definitely consider getting this song if you are open to listening to 80’s British music,soft rock sounds, and/or you enjoyed listening to “Your Wildest Dreams”.
In & Out of Consciousness: Greatest HitsOffered by megahitrecordsPrice: $19.9917 used & newfrom $0.805 of 5 people found the following review helpful
This Music Puts You in a Pleasurable Consciousness, February 7, 2011
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This review is from: In & Out of Consciousness: Greatest Hits (Audio CD)
I have to first start off by saying that I am happy and pleased with the number of hits that are included in this collection of Robbie William’s Hits. The songs that stood out for me the most are:
1)She’s the One-A great track on what it feels like to be with someone that is like your twin soul. He recently found true love with US model and actress Ayda Field (Robbie married her at his Los Angeles mansion in the summer of 2010) (I saw a picture of them on a bbc website, they are a cute couple). The point that I am making is that because he has found true love that the title “She’s the One” has come to be the real-life connection to his great musical art.
2)Rock DJ- A great song about having fun, and making the best of your life regardless of where in your journey that you are.
3)Millenium- A song that symbolizes taking inventory of where a person is in their life while an abundance of time is available.
4)Angels- A beautiful song about enjoying the company of kind people (symbolized by the lyrics I’m loving angels instead).
5)Do Me Now- A catchy song about the many fascinating things that he is interested in, but that although he has many interest, that in the now moment it is more important to him to seize the moment and have fun.
6)Feel- A beautiful song about experiencing passionate and happy love. His music video has him playing a rodeo star, and Hannah plays as his love interest. I love both the video and the song to “Feel”. I admit that I thought that Robbie Willliams looked very handsome in the “Feel” video. However, his quality lyrics and strong singing expressed in “Feel” proves that he is much more than just an attractive face(and that Robbie truly has the gift of singing great songs). “Feel” by Robbie Williams is one of my favorite songs because it expresses how passion can serve as a positive agent for joyful change in a person’s life.
7)Bodies- A very sexy song that is tastefully done, and appears to be about striving to make sense of the importance of seeing the beauty in one’s body even amidst the societal obsession with having “perfect” and/or “thin” bodies.Getting this three cd set by Robbie Williams was so very worth it because of the number of good songs and his excellent voice. There is something magnetic and powerful about Robbie William’s voice that goes wonderfully with many of this songs. Please consider getting this collection of Robbie’s if you like any of his songs and/or you enjoy pop music. In my humble opinion, Robbie has so much talent and creatively expresses his spirit through his music (it beautifully shows through many of the songs on this three cd set). I would even dare to say that Robbie deserves alot more attention here in America because of the superb music that he creates, and his powerful singing voice).
Recovery [Explicit]Price: $5.00120 used & newfrom $0.332 of 5 people found the following review helpful
A Solid Recovery, February 7, 2011
This review is from: Recovery [Explicit] (Audio CD)
This is a very strong compilation from Eminem. I really feel that Eminem put alot of energy in making sure that listeners get a great musical cd. Yes, many of his finest songs on this cds have some strong language. However, the songs that have the most daring lyrics are some of the best songs. All of the songs on this Recovery collection are very cutting-edge and daring (in a fun and exciting way). The following five songs stood out for me the most:
1)W.T.P: A very naughty but exciting song about having a party involving people having fun.
2)Space Bound: A very daring but creative love song about being with someone that you truly have. Eminem sings with such strong conviction that he really excels at singing daring love songs like this with such lyrics as: you take my breath away, you’re a supernova. I really enjoyed hearing the side of him of what it feels like through his perspective of what it means to be in love. The only caveat I had with this song is that he sings about literally choking the person he loves if she ever thought about leaving him, with the following words: I put both hands on your throat. Yes, I understand that it is just entertainment (also I am sure that Eminem himself does not condone abusing your partners in any form). My husband even playfully joked with me about there being nothing wrong with choking the person you love if they leave you (please understand that my husband was just joking and is actually a sweet person who is very laidback, and does not condone physical or verbal abuse). However, hopefully countless other couples that hear this song are also going to understand that this song is only entertainment and is no way endorsing the act of killing someone who leaves you.
3)Cinderella Man- A great song about making comebacks in life, and making the most of second chances that you are given. I also like how he subtly drops the concept of time travel with the lyrics “music is my time machine”.
4)Love the Way You Lie- This was a great collaboration that Eminem did with Rihanna (I thought that they had strong chemistry together in this song). The video and the song are both a powerful combination and sends a strong message how love can play a strong influence in the challenge threshold that one is willing to endure for someone that means so much to them.
5) So Bad- I admit that this was my favorite song by him. Yes, this musical track can pretty much be titled a “Bad Boy’s Anthem”. He sings about giving his sexual conquests such good sex that he is going to end up being forever embedded in their memories. The lyrics are very wild but so much fun that you are going to have to listen to the song in order to see for yourself why this song can safely be titled a “Bad Boy’s Anthem” and/or a “Player’s Anthem”. However, I confess that this song was one that I enjoyed so much that it has been played multiple times since I had this cd.There are other songs on this cd that may appeal more to others. However, to sum it up this cd is very good. After listening to this I definitely plan on tuning into this year’s Grammy Awards show because I am rooting for him to win some awards.Eminem has definitely put out an enjoyable album to listen to with “Recovery”.
Now Country Volume 3Price: $11.8831 used & newfrom $3.771 of 1 people found the following review helpful
A Versatile Country Collection, February 7, 2011
This review is from: Now Country Volume 3 (Audio CD)
This is a great selection of many of today’s hottest country stars. There is a wide selection of artists to choose from, and a diverse range of country songs to enjoy. I felt compelled to obtain this cd when I saw the selection of country artists featured on this cd, and I am glad that I went with the feeling. I say this because all of the musical tracks in this Now Country Music compilation are good. The musical creations that stood out for me the most were “Crazy Town” by Jason Aldean, “Up On the Ridge” by Dierks Bientley, and “Unstoppable” by Rascal Flatts. “Up On the Ridge” by Dierks Bentley is a strong musical number about meeting up with someone for a carefree get-together. “Crazy Town” by Jason Aldean appears to be about the paths that people have to be aware of when going after their dreams of fame and fortune. My favorite song in this collection is “Unstoppable” by Rascal Flatts. “Unstoppable” is an uplifting and happy song about picking yourself up by your bootstraps and perservering. This song also appears to be about learning through your mistakes and transforming them into blessings through the tools of faith and believing in yourself. I love how Rascall Flatts sends a positive message through “Unstoppable” that it is more how your pick yourself back up that matters. Definitely consider getting this compilation if you like various artists hits collection, you enjoy country music, and/or you are open to listening to country music.
7even Year Itch: Collective Soul Greatest Hits 1994-2001Price: $5.0065 used & newfrom $3.001 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Collective Set of Hits, February 7, 2011
This review is from: 7even Year Itch: Collective Soul Greatest Hits 1994-2001 (Audio CD)
This is a fantastic compilation by Collective Soul. This was one of the groups that actually got me interested in opening my mind to listen to rock music when I first heard them as a teenager via watching their “Shine” music video on MTV (I really only started to listen to rock music more frequently around the time I turned 14, and there was something about the “Shine” video that drew me in). I just wish that they would have included more songs on their greatest hits collection. I would say that many of these songs have a strong alternative rock sound with a heavy southern influence (the group was originally formed in Georgia). Lead singer Ed Roland sings with much conviction and intensity in many of the songs that one can get a sense that he really cared about communicating important messages through his songs. For example, in the song “Shine” I think that Ed and the rest of his band members were trying to send a vital message about seeing the good and what is appealing in everyone regardless if they fit into the mainstream of society (that is the message that I appeared to pick up after watching the video to “Shine”). There are some other musical tracks that compare to “Shine” in a great way such as “Precious Declaration”, “Gel”, “December”, “Run”, and “The World I Know”. “The World I Know” appears to be about staying emotionally strong and laughing at oneself through the process of change. “Run” appears to be content with where you are at, and making peace with whatever is in your life regardless of what you are planning on your journey. “December” appears to be a musical number about the strong impact that someone close to you can have in all areas of your life. “Precious Declaration” appears to be about the values of freedom and staying hopeful regardless of external circumstances. My personal overall favorite song is “Gel” which appears to be about accepting others in your immediate environment for who they are, even when it may be different from someone’s personal belief system and/or shatters their paradigm of their expectations. This is a quality greatest hits to have if you like 90’s rock music.
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One On One (Remastered)Price: $1.291 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Steamy and Classy, February 7, 2011
This review is from: One On One (Remastered) (MP3 Music)
This is a very romantic and steamy song about a person who bluntly states that they would like some private time with the one that they are attracted to. “One one One” implies how he would like to play “fun games” with his conquest. He makes it very clear that he has physically expressing his desires on the mind when the lyrics are mentioned “I want to play with you girl, just you and me”. You are most likely going to enjoy “One one One” if you have heard the songs the followings songs before and enjoyed them: “Kiss On My List”, “Out of Touch”, “You Make My Dreams Come True”, “Private Eyes” and/or “I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do).
Damn I Wish I Was Your LoverPrice: $1.291 of 1 people found the following review helpful
A Good Song with Fine Vocals, February 7, 2011
This review is from: Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover (MP3 Music)
Words can only partly describe the classic that this song is. This musical track is a very energetic and dance/pop creation about someone imagining what it would be like to be the lover of someone that they really desire. Sophie puts alot of soul and energy in this song in a very creative and intense way. I love how she paints a good story in her songs such as when she mentions while singing that she had a dream that she was the hero of the one she very much wants. She also makes it fun by mentioning about making her fantasy lover “feel much better”. What makes this musical track even more appealing is that Sophie sings really beautiful vocals to go along with the great lyrics to the song. “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover” compares to two of the following other songs of Sophie B. Hawkins in a good way:
“As I Lay Me Down”- A great musical track about how she appreciates her lover and intends to always be happy. This is such a beautiful song, and the video I saw to this on youtube is very good.
“Right Beside You”- This is also another song that showcases her gorgeous voice, and she sings with the same passion and great spirit as “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover.”If you happen to like “As I Lay Me Down” and/or “Right Beside You” then it is most likely that you are going to the fine musical melody that is “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover”.
HitOffered by MEGA MediaPrice: $28.9940 used & newfrom $2.872 of 2 people found the following review helpful
High-Quality Peter Gabriel Hits, February 4, 2011
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This review is from: Hit (Audio CD)
This collection by Peter Gabriel is definitely a collection full of great hits. Some of my personal favorite songs included in this greatest hits cd set are:
Solsbury Hill
Shock the Monkey
Games Without Frontiers
Digging in the Dirt
LovetownMy overall favorite song is “Sledgehammer” because he cleverly phrases the lyrics in a way to express what he plans to be to his lover in a tasteful and unique manner. “Games Without Frontiers” came in as my second most favorite Peter Gabriel song because he expresses great talent in making a political message in how idealogies between different countries can sometimes cause a challenge in diplomatic relations. I also like how he wisely sings the lyrics in the song “Dressing Up in Costumes, Playing Silly Games”. I also believe that the song sends a thoughtful and positive message about looking past the external appearance of someone and instead making a open-minded observation based on what is picked up from their personality and spirit. The greatest hits collection is a high-quality and strong cd set that is a good collection to have if you enjoy 80’s music, Phil Collins, Genesis, pop music, and/or rock music.
Can I Touch You…There? (Album Version)Price: $0.991 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Satisfying to the Core, February 4, 2011
This review is from: Can I Touch You…There? (Album Version) (MP3 Music)
This song definitely does touch your spirit in a musical and joyful way. I love listening to “Can I Touch You There?” because it is very sensual, romantic, and beautiful. I believe that “Can I Touch You There?” is about someone confirming with their lover that it is ok to get closer and take things further. Then it gets even more interesting when he sings about showing the person that he desires just what love can do. Both the music and the lyrics complement each other very well. I remember first hearing this song as a teenager and really being touched by it on an emotional level. I love how Michael Bolton shows a sensual, daring, and happy side as he sings this. Yes, he is known for singing many love themed musical creations. However, this is one of my favorite songs by him because he sings about passionate, exciting, and sensual love in a very beautiful, uplifting, and classy manner. Plus, Michael musically took chances singing “Can I Touch You There?, and he really did this song so creatively and with such intensity that any other singer that ever tries to remake this song is going to have big shoes to fill. I admit that I got interested in downloading this song just yesterday evening when I was looking for some unique and great love songs to add to my musical library (plus I love very sensual songs). For some reason, I was compiling a list (of daring musical tracks) on my ipod when this song spontaneously came to mind. I decided to go with this feeling, download and buy this good musical gem, and listen to it. As I listened to it, I was instantly moved and uplifted by the song just as much as I had been when I first heard it as a teenager. This song is very much worthwhile to get if you enjoy sensual pop songs.
BritainPrice: $29.957 of 7 people found the following review helpful
An Excellent Magazine, February 3, 2011
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This review is from: Britain (Magazine)
I certainly agree with the other reviewers that Britain magazine is a wonderful publication to subscribe to. I made a decision to purchase this subscription because I intend to accomplish one of my personal goals to visit England for at least a week. Britain magazine provides gorgeous photos and extensive information on the various travel gems and destinations to check out during your visit(s) to Great Britain. For example, I currently have the March 2011 issue of Britain magazine. The following is some of the fascinating information that is featured in the March 2011 issue that helps make the publication a worthwhile read:
1)There is a special feature on Unusual Museums (with some very original and fascinating places to symbolize the Unusual moniker). For instance, The Museum of Witchcraft is featured in this issue. The location of this one of a kind museum is listed as being in Boscastle Cornwall. According to the magazine, many witches and warlocks are currently celebrating the fact that it has been opened for 50 years. There is a library of over 3,000 books inside of it, and is known to hold one of the world’s most extensive collection of witchcraft paraphernalia(in addition the website to check out this museum is featured in the March 2011 publication). The article also lists The British Lawnmower Museum, which is an innovative museum for lawnmower enthusiasts.
2)There is a well organized compilation of Places to Stay that are listed. A couple of the places that fascinated me are: 1) The Royal Oak House and 2)Regency Cheltenham.There is so much more great information featured in the well-done magazine. In my humble opinion, you definitely get a good quality publication in Britain magazine for what you pay (overall good value for the money). This magazine is very worthwhile to obtain if you have even a casual interest in visiting and/or living in Britain.
Party Around the World2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Music that is Creative and Upbeat, January 30, 2011
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This review is from: Party Around the World (Audio CD)
I too agree with the reviews that this music on this cd is bubblegum pop at its finest. There are many upbeat and fun dance/pop songs from the Swedish group on here that every song on this quality cd has creative substance. This is one of those rare cds where every song on the compilation stands on its own. The following are the songs that I would recommend listening to first before playing the whole cd:
“Temptation Island”- A very energetic and fun summer themed song about allowing your free spirit to rein, and allowing oneself to experience all the good things that life has to offer.
“Koko Soko”- A very unique song that has a lovely fusion of Japanese, electronic,dance, and trance music fused together. The song is about making a connection with someone that is very special and brings much joy and light.
“Summer Party”- A great summer-themed musical track about dancing, having a good time, and letting oneself act a little wild and uninhibited (with the use of the lyrics used of “acting naughty”).
“Hummingbird”- A great melody about finding ways to feel good in your life regardless of external circumstances (the upbeat music used in this really adds to the positive strength of the song)
“Paradise”- This is a more mellow and calm song. However, both the lyrics and music are very beautiful and give you a feeling of being in your own personal heaven. It is a gorgeous song about creating heaven on earth for yourself, and wanting to “give heaven” to the person that gives those positive feelings of being “in paradise”.
I have had this cd since December 2008, and I find it even more enjoyable to listen to than when I first purchased it. I was still in the navy at the time, and I was looking for music to play at work that would put me and others who work around me in a good mood. Please understand that I appreciate my time that I spent in the navy, but it was important to me find music that would help add to creating a positive work environment (especially since I was lucky to work in an area that allowed music). I fortunately found what I was looking for in purchasing this cd because even one of the supervisors at the time found this music enjoyable, and asked me who the group was. Listening to this cd (when I first bought it back in December 2008) gave me an emotional boost regardless of whether I was playing it at work or at home. This cd still is great to listen in order to increase euphoric feelings regardless of the location it is being played. This is an all purpose compilation to listen to whether at work, home, and/or excercising (such as walking or running).
Comment (1) | Permalink | Most recent comment: Apr 27, 2013 5:32 PM PDT
Vol. 41-Future Trance6 used & newfrom $5.67 A Strong Collection of Trance/Dance Tunes, January 30, 2011
Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Vol. 41-Future Trance (Audio CD)
I have had the good fortune of listening to Future Trance Vol. 40, and I was pleased that Future Trance Vol. 41 is also a good quality compilation. Future Trance Vol 41 has many pleasing and unique musical tracks to listen to such as in Vo. 40. Both Disc 1 and 2 had some good and energetic songs, but I did enjoy Disc 2 more. My favorite songs from Disc 1 are:
“Summer of 69” by TopModelz (an interesing remake of the Bryan Adams version)
“Heaven” by Manian
“Let’s All Chant” by Straight Flush
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Naksi vs BrunnerMy favorite songs from Disc 2:
“Love Is Everywhere (New Location)” by Westbam and the Love Committee
“Ride Like The Wind” by Michael Mind
“Waiting For” by Peter Gelderblom (a great remake of the Red Hot Chili Pepppers cover)
“Another World Part II” by DJ Shog (the music and vocals is very one of a kind)
“The One” by Sylver (this is one of my favorite songs by this group)
“Like Flames” by Twenty 4 Seven feat. Elle
“Power” by Shaun Baker (a catchy tune about feeling power within yourself
“Deeper” by Fragma (I believe that this song is about passionate desire from the same artist who is known for the musical masterpiece that is the musical track of “Toca’s Miracle”)
“You Wanted Love” by 2 Vibez
“Walking A Line” by Cane (this is my overall favorite song on this cd, it is a good song about what can happen when you get addicted to someone because of the euphoria and overall pleasure they bring into your life, and try as you might you keep on wanting to come back for more from such a person)Future Trance Vol. 41 is a good cd to listen to when you are doing physical activity such as walking or running. This would also be a good compilation to play for giving happiness to yourself, and/or to play at a party.
The Edge Music Collection (3 Cd Set) As Seen On TV1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Exciting and Enjoyable Rock Songs, January 29, 2011
This review is from: The Edge Music Collection (3 Cd Set) As Seen On TV (Audio CD)
This compilation has a great mix of edgy hard rock/alternative rock music from the 1990’s and 2000’s. Some of the great songs featured on this 3 cd set collection are:
1)Headstrong by Trapt
2)Remedy by Seether
3)Alive by P.O.D
4)Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
5)Machinehead by Bush
6)The Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang
7)Youth of the Nation by P.O.D
8)You and Me by Lifehouse
9)Be Like That by 3 Doors DownThis is only a snapshot of the hits that are featured in this 3 cd set (the 9 songs I listed are only some out of the 50 musical tracks available). I did enjoy the wide range of the artists featured in this selection, but there are some songs that I feel would have been good to include such as “Kryptonite” by 3 Doors Down, “Through Glass” by Stone Sour, “Dani California” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and “Dance Dance” by Fall Out Boy. However, I still recommend obtaining this three cd set if you enjoy hard rock/alternative rock from the 1990’s and the 2000’s.
Like I Love YouPrice: $1.291 of 1 people found the following review helpful
A very Likeable Musical Track, January 28, 2011
This review is from: Like I Love You (MP3 Music)
“Like I Love You” is an upbeat and edgy musical track that was one of Justin’s fun introductions to the public to coincide with his solo career. I remember how popular this song was when it first came out. I was living in Yokosuka, Japan (I was stationed there around this time when I was in the navy) and I was at a high quality department clothing store when this song was played. I was hanging out with a group of people, and I know at least a couple of them (besides just myself) that was enjoying the song as it was played. This musical track was enjoyable then, and still is now because of the great music and daring lyrics featured together in the song. It is about a person who just wants to enjoy the person that they have an attraction towards (with the lyrics “I just want to love you baby”). I would definitely say that this song is worth obtaining if you enjoyed the song “Girlfriend” when Justin was still in ‘N Sync and/or you like any of Justin Timberlake’s other daring songs such as “Rock Your Body”.
Independent Women, Pt. IPrice: $0.991 of 1 people found the following review helpful
A Good Song about Empowerment, January 28, 2011
This review is from: Independent Women, Pt. I (MP3 Music)
This is a very catchy and inspirational tune on what it means to be self-reliant. I remember the song when it first came out because it was being promoted for the newer version of the Charlie’s Angels Movie (Charlie’s angels is even quoted in the song). I like the positive theme to the song about learning to always be independent in all areas of your life, and of it being 50/50 in relationships. The song sends a positive message to avoid depending on others to give you what you want, and to instead find ways to obtain your desires through your own means (the group cleverly does this by using lyrics such as “the shoes on my feet, I bought it”, and with mentioning how they even paid for the place they live in). This is also a good song to listen to for putting oneself in a prosperous state of mind. Overall, this is definitely a song to listen to if you like any of Beyonce’s songs and/or any music from Destiny’s Child