The Past, The Future & Now
The Pioneering of Employment Assistance in the early years was a huge folly, at least it was in the eyes of many in the age it was invented by Prestige Partners & Associates. Prestige Partners was merely a name to represent the future leaders who will eventually bring us to the future that everyone needed.
A future which will bring salvation to everyone that was destined to be bound by the sins & greed of mankind. But that aside, we will tell the story another day, should opportunity exist in the time and space of that future.
Why was it a folly in the first place? Inventing a model for those charged with authority or those without ethics to use it as a model for personal interests instead of using it for the greater good which it should be used for, is indeed a huge folly. Had we known that it become a tool for personal interests, we would never have wanted to invent it in the first place. Such a big sacrifice to innovate a model of this scale and complexity for national welfare in itself was a huge time and money investment & not to mention the actual valuation of its invention.
But on account of the future that we will be stepping into back in those days, there is practically no error. It is the vibration of the universe, or some would call it, the divinity that managed to find its beholder to build the preordained future.
Everything was designed in the early years before 2011 while it came about from the planning of a greater purpose. To the extent, when we look back into the person founded the charity, we could understand that nothing was random from the perspective of religion. It even involved 100 years of experience passed down across 3 generations of leaders & tutelage to be able to make this future possible.
The founder who eventually started the journey and eventually delivered to this point in time had gone through so much in his earlier years to be able to endure an entirely altruistic endeavor. A person in his youth who could decline what money could offer in an expensive world where money is not just fantasy. Putting needs, ego and everything important aside for this purpose should be an impossible journey, but it did become a reality.
Because the founder did see the future through some visions, only that he did not and was not aware that the day would come 10 years earlier. It was indeed mysterious how events could come to be aligned across different points in time.
Looking at today, and we could fairly foresee what is happening now, let's review what we had planned out two years ago in 2020. The dates and plans would tally across time. At the age of 17, the founder had somehow seen his own future and his own persona in the future as well as what he needed to do.
Too much and too confusing no matter how we tried to explain it. It would be easier to state that it would be difficult for man to comprehend beyond us. That of which we tried to explain is simply beyond. The best is to leave it as it is and understand the eventuality of where we are now.
Watch this clip here to see how we managed to define a programme that aligns with what the beneficiaries would need in the future where we are today.