Password Change Day
As a DBA I often have to connect to legacy systems in different domains as well as maintain a bunch of credentials!
Further more if you have ever use Microsoft Teams you'll know "Password Change Day" can be a right pain, since it fails to ever really update to your new password.
The code below can be run in Powershell and will wipe out ALL of your Credentials stored in your credential store.
I mean all,
None will be left,
Use wisely,
Not responsible for how you use it ,
Function SET-NukeCredentials
[psobject]$Lists = cmdkey.exe /list
foreach ($list in $Lists)
{if ($list -like "*target*")
{write-host "$List - Contains Target"
$list = $list.Split('=')[-1]
cmdkey.exe /delete $list
Senior Backend Engineer at CCP Games
5 年Joel Harrison