passive recruiting : strategy & care
we all know that recruiting people who are looking for a new job requires a different strategy and different process than hiring people who are actively looking. the first big difference is that passive prospects need to be convinced that the first conversation is worth their time investment.
good recruiter recognize exceptional mandates , navigates and helps to bring them to the clan. key points i have used to increase first contact response rates: trusting relationship ,better understanding ,career history , where they have struggled , what they want in NEXT and matching all this with what we have will create an impact.
the steps :phase 1 i) dump the JD , discuss about the opportunity , challenge's current and future. we recruiters will need to “cherry pick” list to make sure these people would quickly see your job as a career move. for example, I like to look for people with similar titles at slightly bigger companies who would see moving to a smaller and faster growing company as a good move. ii) make sure the IV team includes the people to whom your go to mandate's want to talk. it should be two way street with hiring manger as well . conduct a cross functional interview iii) make them feel unique , motivating through your outbound email. mention why , backgrounds ,match generated an interested to carry out the discussion. if you state you’re doing your planning for 3-6 months out and if some of the job titles are bigger than the person’s current role, people are more likely to respond.
iv) be willing to shake things up trying something different . send thank you email after IV meeting , this makes 180" difference , use tailored approach , resonance specific warm greetings , chances are he won't turn down the offer .
v) move slowly as fast you can . stay patient before phase 1 . play long game . don't rush if they are not ready .communicate about the company products , culture ,share news ,update's check in , evolving.
once passive mandates generates serious interest ,this is established it’s important to convert the prospect into a serious candidate. its important that recruiter need to push to highest degree possible .
when the supply of talent is less than the demand you need to attract people in rather than weed them out. success requires a balanced emphasis on targeted sourcing, customized messaging and sophisticated recruiting. while gaining initial interest is a critical first step, getting these people hired requires a great job, a more than fully-engaged hiring manager and a strong recruiter to orchestrate the entire process.