Passion's Role in Your Work is...
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So, what’s the purpose of passion when it comes to the work you do for your living? Plainly, vocational passion exists to support your commitments to do your best, to become your best, and to make things better for yourself and others in ways that inspire and motivate you to continue working hard to achieve what you’re committed to.
Vocational passion involves both an emotional investment and a values-based commitment to the thing you’re passionate about. When I say, values-based commitment, I’m referring to something that you are deeply committed to favorably impact in some way through your behavior; it’s connected to your core values. The emotional investment results in being naturally inspired and motivated to bring about that favorable impact.
Vocationally, what’s absolutely key is where your passion is focused. As I’ve stated in previous posts here, many people mistakenly believe that passion for their work is exclusively about their own enjoyment; and it’s this point that often leads people astray. So, let’s examine more closely my claim that your vocational passion needs to be focused on creating value for others.
First, your enjoyment may create no value for others. While this is just fine if we're talking about a hobby, If you are not creating value for others in what you are doing for your living, you may well experience poverty on a grand scale. This is extremely serious stuff.
Second, everything you will receive from your work will come from others. Therefore, to maximize your success in the world of work, you must be acutely aware that winning in that game will be directly related to the value you create for those other people. Namely, your employer, your co-workers, your business partners, investors, and most certainly, the people that are served by all of the above - the customers of the business that you are working in.
Third, if your passion is built solely around how enthusiastic you feel about your work, what happens when you are no longer feeling it? Unfortunately, if you limit your level of commitment and effort to your own feelings of enjoyment, what happens when those good feelings of enjoyment fade? If you quit, or reduce your effort, then what happens to your ability to grow the level of your capabilities? That’s right…if you don’t stick with something when the going gets really tough, then you’ll never learn how to become truly great at it. While that’s not a big deal if we’re talking about a hobby, failing to become truly great will hurt you when it comes to the world of work.
What do YOU think? What thoughts would you like to share around your own experiences in blending your passions with the work you do for your living? What have you observed? Please post your thoughts in the comments below.
Excerpt from How To CRUSH That Career Thing, by Kirk Anderson,
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