Passionate, successful fight against Cancer
Ashok Bansal
F&B in Hospitality, Catering, Fine dining and Healthcare - speeding up the change to higher quality and profitability!
Would like to attract attention of the patients and well wishers of patients to a highly successful alternate set of therapies and treatment at
Brainchild of two highly accomplished sisters who saw, suffered, and conquered cancer in several patients including their own parents. Several of these patients had been almost bid adieu as the lost cases by the traditional Allopathy and Oncologists. In fact, Cancer patients are not even patients in the real sense, as considered by these sisters. But, their path of treatment is'nt easy - its practically against everything that Medical sciences stands for and has promoted (rather unsuccessfully wrt fight against certain causes likes cancer). Having had the pleasure and gratitude of knowing these sisters personally, I must say they represent the gutsy contrarian thinking of the Trump kinds - not easy to digest, but ultimately successful, nevertheless.