Something that you would do from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep after taking care of yourself and your loved ones.
Why do I ask candidates to talk about something that they are passionate about?
Work is changing, I don't know if you have noticed.
With tens of thousands of layoffs in tech in the United States in 2023 and 2024, it is clear to me that large, and sometimes small, companies don't think anymore that having a certain number of people in their payroll matters.
"Moonshot" teams and even divisions are going away.
People that are not busy on something critical are being let go.
Companies, whether they are corporations or not, are moving to only hiring the people that they cannot survive without.
Let that sink in.
And, then let's turn that around.
Wouldn't you rather be indispensable to a team and a company, AND execute on your passion?
Candidates have not figured out, or want to share, what they are passionate about.
As I am honored to talk to candidates, I am learning that very few are able to articulate, or want to share, what they are passionate about.
Sharing your passions should not be something that is strange when talking to a hiring manager.
I, as a hiring manager, want to know what burns inside you, and wants and needs to come out.
No more side gigs.
There are true opportunities to work on what you are passionate about.
My Passions
I am fortunate that I feel in love with my first professional passion in Middle School: Electronics Lab.
In my weekly Electronics Lab, I learned about resistors, capacitors, inductors, current flow, voltage, and I got my hands on soldering irons, solder, solder paste, cables, wires, and connectors. It was paradise for me starting in 7th grade.
My second professional passion arose in college: Programming.
Once I was already pursuing Electronics Engineering, I took my first programming class and fell in love with the ability to multiply myself through programming. I learned computer language after computer language, and also taught those in college to lower grades.
Bringing People Together
Today, I deploy what I have learned about electronics and programming in a 30+ years professional career to bring people together.
Customers that need an electronic product, Vendors of electronic components, Team Members that want to deliver something, and Contract Manufacturers that build something that you can touch and buy.
All are part of a web woven for the purpose of sharing a common goal.
Yes, this new way of working.
Being indispensable AND doing what you are passionate about, requires a lot of human communication.
Companies have to do it.
Candidates have to do it.
Once that intersection is found, the joy of working on your passion AND being paid for it can happen!
Please take a moment to reflect on that.
I look forward to getting to know you and learning if we can work together!