Passion and Perseverance
Passion and perseverance reinforce each other. Practicing badminton, designing software, playing basketball, learning about science, etc until we are good that we grow to love that activity are examples of perseverance driving passions. At the same time, passion makes we want to spend time on that activity, driving to ever greater proficiency and outstanding performance, further building passion, and so on. Similarly, being so deeply engage with activities that we become unaware of the passages of time demonstrate passion driving perseverance. As we spend more time in the activity, refine our skills, and deepen our knowledge, again further building our passion.
We hear much more today about passion, which sounds easy and fun, than perseverance which sounds hard. Passion is what we care most deeply about, have the highest expectation for, have powerful and compelling feelings about, or that give our live meaning. It may include our job, team, company, family, sports, school, hobbies, communities, faith, travel, investing, gaming, gadgets, or any other subject or activity. Perseverance is persistence in purpose, tasks, ideas in the face of the obstacles. Passion and persistence usually go together. Passion gives the curiosity and desire to find solutions to problems. Perseverance enables to find ways around them. But, we can have one without the other. Without passion, perseverance likes working long hour becomes effortless. Successful person and teams have both.
Below is illustrates perseverance, passion, and flow (from the books: “Unleash Your Inner Company, Use Passion & Perseverance to Build Your Idea Business):