Passion and Enthusiasm, With Purpose
Legendary adman Roy Spence wrote, “Many business people think that if they have a sound strategic plan, a solid operational structure and an effective marketing program, they don’t need anything else, including a special purpose. And it’s true that keeping your business essentials in order is the surest path to success. However, you will perform better if you have a defined purpose that inspires you to look beyond business results to the greater positive effects of success. If you define your mission in terms of its purpose, you will make better decisions, you will be more enthusiastic and your customers will be more devoted.”
So, what is your purpose? If you truly believe your mission in life, selling advertising to businesses, is simply about selling, you may have missed the mark. It can be the difference between having a job and having a purpose. If you are only in it for the sale, perhaps a different line of work is your calling.
When you have purpose, you have a personal, vested interest in the success of your customers. When you have purpose, you have a passion and enthusiasm for what you do. When you have purpose, you have an infectious nature about you that makes people want to be a part of what you are doing, no matter what it is.
Selling, by definition, is the transfer of confidence and emotion. And the emotion is really enthusiasm or passion for what you do. Passion and belief, beyond a reasonable doubt, that your solution for your customer's situation is one hundred and ten times better for your customer than their solution for their situation. But, only if you do it with purpose.
Consider your purpose. Not just the purpose of what we provide as a whole, but consider your role in it and how that translates to your overall approach to what you do, every day. What is your inspiration? When do you feel most alive?
We have the abilityto change the outcome to the positive for our customers with the messages we deliver through our media outlets. We have the ability to shine a positive light on our customer’s business by highlighting what they do better than anyone else. We have the ability to change the financial future of our customer’s business.
Is this enough of a purpose to inspire us, everyday? To go out and call on new people? To convey this positive message about what we do? To translate this into a reason for our customers to do business or continue doing business with us? Only if we do it with purpose.