Passion, enthusiasm and inspiration

Passion, enthusiasm and inspiration

Passion, enthusiasm and inspiration

Do you believe that you can make a difference! Are you passionate?

Does this passion make you feel alive and positive - and is it deeply and personally meaningful to you?

Is it driven by a vision - which makes you feel energetic, excited and enthusiastic when you think about it, talk about it?

And when you speak to others about it, do yo feel some inspiration happening?

Like magic it is spreading? Others are taking it on and making it theirs?

Passions make a vision becoming reality

As a result, this passion begins to lead to mastery, success, because you are inspiring others which may have different skills to also become passionate - and develop. It is becoming contagious.

Leaders that are passionate make a difference through inspiring other. Making a difference matters to passionate people.

Inspiring passion is what leaders do. Showing enthusiasm and being excited about what they are doing is inspiring. Employees then become more passionate and gain energy and focus to truly succeed and make a difference.


Enthusiasm is a spirit that inspires us to move forward positively in a direction of our own choice.

This enthusiasm and passion inspires, so leads to more confidence, more positivity, more productivity and as a result more satisfaction, a reason to get up every day...

Can you think of any of your passionate colleagues and the impact they have on you?

Dr. Tassos Anastasiades

Sabiha Shaikh

Consultant at Self-Employed

1 年

Totally agree..... its the passion and enthusiasm that not only inspires you but the people around you. Success is definitely the outcome.

Jordan Alormenu

Self Employed at Self Employed

1 年


Jon Crocker

I Create, Curate & Cultivate Unique Learning Experiences | Project? young adults | Project V for executives | The Project for senior executives.

1 年


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