Passion – Bringing Your Imagination Into Reality
Connie P. Milligan
LCSW, Therapist, Transformational Coach, Trainer and Consultant
When you follow your passion, you’re taking what is internally important to you and making it real. It is a rite of passage you take if you want to bring what you love into the world. It’s a heartfelt journey that takes work.
I watched this as Lee hosted a concert to take a CD he’s produced with Alioune Guisse to the next level. He brought in musicians from Africa, hired the best engineer and videographer and organized a concert. It was a lot, and it was awesome, the culmination of years of work bringing his passion to life!
Consider what you have passion for and the steps needed to bring it forth.
There is an internal process, a journey, that needs to be taken to know the importance of your passion. It takes time to let your imagination bubble up, sensitivity to explore and expand it before it defines your path. In this you determine if you have the energy and commitment to go the distance. Lee has done that with his music; I’ve done it with my clinical work.
As with anything you want to manifest, it requires being so full of your passion that you become a magnetic field of attraction to those who can reinforce your vision. You set a standard for what you want and draw in those who are a match. As you grow and your passion takes a more refined shape, you draw in new people who reinforce your vision. Lee’s bringing in more and more topflight talent for his projects. There’s joy and love being connected in the creative process.
I’ve been frustrated with timing in the past, some things just seem to take too long. Whether it’s getting myself ready, finding the energy to make something happen or making the right connections – timing is everything. I’ve been watching this with Lee’s 4 year project -suddenly now is the right time with the right people and right opportunities. As if often true with timing, you can push and pull, but when it’s right it comes together easily. That’s the joy of bringing your passion into reality.
Do you have experience with this? Reach out if you’d like to explore it.