The Passing of Rush Limbaugh
Steve Johann
I help Companies, Organizations and Individuals Build Trust and Grow Their Business through Podcasting
As a podcaster who began my career as a self-taught DJ where in 2006 I rented air time on a local station and hosted 10PM-12AM show called The Sacred Rock Radio Show. I can say, I owe a lot to Rush and his talk show contemporaries for my passion for sitting behind a microphone. Unlike Rush who was able to stay in radio and make a living a radio show host, I went into podcasting in 2007 with my first show The Hog Radio Motorcycle Podcast and haven’t looked back.
The passing of Rush signifies what seems like the end of an era for many within the conservative movement who have seen their rights deeply restricted beginning with the 2020 Medical Marshal Law Mandates, the off platforming of conservative voices from social media platforms and the defeat of President Trump.
But I believe Rush would say, all is not lost. As Rush knew our hope is ultimately found in Jesus and that God isn’t done with the human race nor America and it’s our job to pick up the pieces and carry on. He demonstrated this through his never ending optimism and courage to say behind the microphone even down to his very last days. Rush knew he was on loan from God as are all who love God. So let's stop complaining and get about the business of being a good neighbor and making the world a better place beginning with us.
God Bless Rush and his memory.
Steve Johann - Proud Podcaster Since 2007