There is no passing or failing in our program
Life Over Coffee (Rick Thomas)
Creating resources that spark conversations for transformation.
It is impossible to fail our program. There is not an A to F grading system because the Christian training world view is counter-intuitive to secular systems (1 Corinthians 1:25). I supervise the work, but I do not put a student in an A or F category.
I have to ask, "Who am I to grade another person; what do I know?"
Especially in light of Jesus placing the widow woman with two copper coins at the head of the line and the rich blue bloods at the back of the line (Mark 12:42). And then He said the first will be last and the last will be first (Matthew 20:16).
Paul followed up when he talked about the hand or eye not being any better than the foot (1 Corinthians 12:15). Or something like that. Truly His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
As we collectively spend time around the cross, we are humbly aware how similar we are (Romans 3:23). There is neither Jew or Gentile or smart or dumb (Galatians 3:28). Therefore, a person who flunked out of high school and the post-graduate with honors are the same in our program.
It’s not about a grading scale at all. It’s about the student fulfilling the preordained, God-given capacities that the good LORD has graciously given to them. Everybody is a jar (of clay) (2 Corinthians 4:7) that is to be filled with goodness and knowledge (Romans 15:14) so he or she can care for other people. I am not the person who determines the capacity of the jar or the boundaries of people (Acts 17:26). I’m not the person to determine if the student has a so-called small or large jar, pristine or dented jar.
But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” – Romans 9:20 (ESV)
My job is to come alongside each student, according to who he/she is and how God has made them to help them become all the LORD has shaped them to be (Genesis 2:7). Perhaps a student goes through our program and it becomes apparent that formal counseling is not their thing. That is perfect. Their goal is not to be anything but the person the LORD has equipped them to be.
Regardless of who you are you will be equipped according to the LORD’s good purposes for you. As to whether a student (1) stays in the program, (2) disciplines themselves through the program, (3) receives supervision with humility, or (4) honestly tries to do the work is between them and the LORD. My job is to honor the LORD by doing my best to serve them. They, like me, have to determine if they are going to give it their all–whatever that may be.
Christians do not “grade” Christians on a pass or fail system (Philippians 1:6). What have any of us received that was not given to us (1 Corinthians 4:7)? We are patient with all people (1 Thessalonians 5:14), while counting others more significant than ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4) because we are aware that even our best goodness is unrighteous goodness (Isaiah 64:6).
Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer; twice, but I will proceed no further. – Job 40:4-5 (ESV)
It is on the student to humbly, diligently, and practically work out what the good LORD has (and is) working into them (Philippians 2:12-13). And that is how you "pass" our program for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Graphic Designer/3D Artist/Video Editor
9 年Exactly! Spot on. You can't grade the Christian walk, because if we tried we would end up giving religious hypocrites "A's" and true gratitude-filled, broken and contrite believers "F's." The greatest of Christians are those who fail often. Because we will never know what God can do until we find out what we can't do! We may serve God on our feet, but we KNOW HIM on our face!