Passing a Bill Without Reading

The U.S. dollar, a symbol of our nation's economic prowess, ascended to the status of the world's currency in 1944, a testament to our victory in WWII. This monumental shift saw 44 countries adopt the U.S. Dollar as their currency, indicating our global influence. The U.S. Military, emerging as the most significant, potent, and technological force after WWII, further solidified our position on the world stage. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), with its formidable military, stood as our primary competitor.

The United States Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Budget and Expenditures in December 2012, and President Obama signed it into law in January 2013. The issue is that the bill was so massive, over 1,200 pages, that many in Congress needed to read it page by page with reading all the content.

On March 22, 2024, Congress debated passing another $1.2 trillion spending bill. This bill spent money to pay for everything, including wars, but no money to secure and close the border to protect the country in the name of National Security. More money would be spent to transport more migrants into the U.S.

One of the crazy things done in the House of Representatives was banning the LGBQT flag from being flown at U.S. Embassies; this completely contradicts President Bidens's agenda in support of the LGBQT. The administration has much to explain to the LGBQT community; the contradiction of the current administration was in support and showing no further support to the LGBQT community. There are rumors that the house speaker threw a curve ball into the bill.

The bottom line about both laws was that when Congress passed both bills in 2013 and 2024, the passing of both bills was to avoid a federal government shutdown. Both bills were passed to prevent a financial shutdown of the federal government. The other problem with both bills passing was neither political party ever read the entire bill passed by Congress and signed by the President; this is the second time in our nation's history that two massive bills were passed by both houses and signed by the President of the United States.

Congress's actions, particularly its handling of the national debt, severely threaten our national defense and economy. The national debt, currently at about $33 trillion, is set to increase to $34.2 trillion, not accounting for the accumulating interest. Such a staggering debt could lead to an economic collapse. Moreover, the shift of nations towards the Brick further complicates the situation.

Egypt stopped using the U.S. dollar, and Saudi Arabia no longer accepts the U.S. dollar as a world currency; now, Saudi Arabia will accept most currencies. China dumped $21 billion of U.S. stocks and treasury bonds. The U.S. dollar was backed by an agreement with all six Gulf Arab States under President George H Bush, which made the U.S. dollar more robust with oil and has been called the Petrodollar, which was backed by oil sales, where all oil sales had to be purchase in U.S. dollars., to be maintained as the world's currency.

The U.S. Congress is elected by their constituents, the American voters; many Americans see Congress arguing and infighting and not performing their job or upholding the oath of office. Congress needs to go back and represent the people. Our money is fiat, just paper money and no gold or silver to back the U.S. dollar. In contrast, the State of Texas's wealth is backed by all the natural resources and the bank vault at the capital that rumor has that Texas has more gold, silver, and natural resources to back an internal currency, plus a surplus of money. Governor Abbott has been visiting various countries, like the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, India, France, and seven other countries, to make economic agreements to import and export products, manufacturing, and services. Texas is in a better position economically than the U.S. as a hold.

Does the Texas Government have a secret plan that officials are not saying? Who knows? Texas legislators are reading everything the representatives and senators passed at the Capitol in Austin, passing bills that are denied or signed by Texas Governor Abbott, and at the same time securing and protecting the Texas Border.




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