Pass The Word
How can a group of 10 designers maintain the conceptual integrity of the system which a team of 1000 is building?
Written Specifications to the Rescue
The manual should not dictate the implementation and yet should be precise, full, and accurately detailed. Thin line to tread. No doubt the document is a dull read, but in this document, precision is more important than liveliness.
That is why we have multiple sections, each targeting a certain audience.
In most IT projects, there comes a day when machine and manual don’t agree. This statement was true in 1975 and it is not far from the truth in 2021. To update the manual is quicker and cheaper than modifying the implementation, but then that is the irony. When the pressure is there to deliver, who wants to go and update the documentation.
Question: Who finds these gaps?
1. The functional QA team
2. And ultimately the end user
Just a thought
We have functional QA testers to highlight the gaps in form of defects. But what about the gaps between a technical design and the implementation. Why can’t we have a technical QA team to identify and raise defects?