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Pasan Wijesinghe
MPF (UOK) (Reading), MBA (UWS) (Reading), MBS (NSBM), HDipMkt, DipBus (UOK), AEPDME (CPM, Sri Lanka) | Businesses Management & Marketing | Investor |
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Encouraging folks to save money is good, but if everyone only saves, it's like holding back the dance of the economy. Imagine a world where people only buy what they absolutely need—businesses would feel the quiet, and the economy would miss a beat.
Now, what if the government whispered to people, "Hey, invest a bit more!" Not everything, just a sprinkle. This could turn our economic dance into a lively party. People would not just save; they'd invest, making the economy healthier, wealthier, and a bit more colorful.
But why the hesitation to dance with investments? Some fear risks, like stepping on unknown toes. Others prefer not to share the dance floor, keeping their money close. And some haven't learned the elegant moves of the stock market waltz.
The government decided to teach these dance steps in schools. It's like passing on the choreography of wealth-building to the next generation. And then there's the fancy new move in town—crypto and virtual currency investing. It's all the rage, promising quick spins and twirls. But, hold on! Before jumping into this virtual ballroom, how about practicing with something real—the stock market?
Stocks are like glittering pieces of grand businesses, and investing in them follows a well-practiced routine. Dream Investments is your dance instructor, ready to teach the steps and spins of this financial tango. Let's build a nation of savvy investors, waltzing through wealth in a legal and well-rehearsed manner.
Happy Investing!!!?
Dream Investments - https://www.facebook.com/dreamsinvestments?mibextid=9R9pXO