To party or not to party: The joy of missing out!
Meera Srivastava I Angel Investor I Board Advisor I Digital Marketing I Influencer Marketing I Content Marketing I Enterprise Sales I SAAS I B2B I D2C I
Back when I was a corporate newbie, my colleagues had given me a moniker – Victorian Meera! Why? Because I didn’t attend office parties, never went out for work trips, and couldn’t care less about staying back for the after-hours gossip sessions.?
In the entertainment industry, where I worked, it was not a name I could brag about.
I am not actually that austere – I DO know how to have fun, my ladies! But circumstances and situations have always prevailed over the need to socialize outside of the workplace.?
When I started off my career, I had moved to Delhi from my hometown – and the folks back home made it seem like a girl had to trade her morals to go to Delhi. Coming from a business family, where your reputation precedes your image, I was all too conscious. I was advised to steer clear of earning a name in order to find a suitable match for an arranged marriage. I did find a suitable partner, just not an arranged one. How’s that for being Victorian?
And shortly after, we were blessed with a handsome baby boy. If my world hadn’t already turned entirely on its head after marriage, becoming a mum reshuffled all my priorities. I planned my days in advance, wrapped up work in time, and rushed back home to my son. Wherever I was needed to lead teams, assuage clients, and handhold exigencies, I led from the front. However, owing to my life stage and the incumbent responsibilities, mingling and partying never made it to the top of my to-do lists.
Cut to a couple of decades later – I am writing this blog at 10 pm. With a cup of warm milk by the table, and my son revising for his Physics board exam in the morning. Would you be surprised if I told you that this is exactly why I didn’t attend those office parties? I missed those events, so I don’t ‘miss’ what truly matters to me.
In hindsight, this is what I call JOMO – The Joy of Missing Out!
It does not matter if you’ve missed out on the office scoop, or if you feel left out of the inside jokes. We go to work to ‘work’ and that’s where our focus shall be. Besides, I feel the gossip only gets better the morning after! #NotSoVictorian
To all women who stand at the beginning of their corporate journey, and those who prioritize responsibilities over socializing – you do not NEED to attend parties and get-togethers to navigate corporate success.