Partnership and Friendship in our Roles
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” I believe we all want to receive the benefit of close and trusting relationships. Partnership is one level of connection, where we have a commitment to consider the interests of others. Friendship, well that is a whole other level. In our daily lives most of our energy and time while awake is spent in our working community (Unless we are in Zoom/Teams Meetings all day, then we might be sleeping).
How we show up is way more important than what we talk about or do. ?Friendship might not be the purpose of work, but it sure is an amazing thing when it emerges. Spending time together and trying to bring our best selves to the space we fill can leave a legacy of meaning.
Emerson wrote quite a bit about friendship and living a meaningful life. For some reason this week I have been thinking often about friendship. It means so much more than the feeling you get from a smile, or the fun of shared companionship. As Emerson also said, "It is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship".?