Partners' Guide: Nurturing your network on Hexitime
Over the years, Hexitime has grown into a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) with over 2,000 members and hundred of hours exchanged. We have also partnered with some of the most inspiring and forward-thinking organisations to help improve the work of the NHS.
"Hexitime brings together a community of communities, all mutually helping each other to improve health and social care"?- John Lodge, Hexitime co-founder.
If you think your organisation or network could benefit from collaboration on Hexitime, our interactive guide will take you through a step by step process of becoming a platform partner. If you are already a Hexitime partner, the guide will help you nurture and grow your network.
Guest Blog by Jessie Dhaliwal
Our guest blog this month is from Jessie Dhaliwal a paediatric nurse within the NHS.
Despite believing that with only 3 years after graduation she would have nothing to offer other Hexitime members, Jessie's beliefs changed after recently completing a successful exchange on Hexitime; an offer for which she was contacted about on the same day!
‘no matter who you are, or where you are on your journey, we all have something to give’.
Below is an excerpt from her inspiring blog and you can read the whole article here.
The moment John Lodge, CEO of Hexitime, introduced us to the platform, I was instantly impressed. A platform encouraging people to “lift as they climb” using a currency based on kindness - it all completely aligned to my values.
“We ask you to be kind and give back some of your time to others too” John Lodge said, and though I desperately agreed, my heart sank and I thought straight away: “I’m at the start of my career, and the lowest band within the registered nursing group, what do I have to offer!” I panicked, and felt I had little expertise or knowledge to provide any other professional.
I shared my concern, and was reminded: ‘no matter who you are, or where you are on your journey, we all have something to give’. So, as soon as I finished the introductory video call, with a little courage, I signed straight on to Hexitime and created my Hexitime offer:?“Listen to the views of an NHS Children’s Nurse on the Frontline.”
On the same day, Helena Robinson, Trainee Clinical Scientist working in Health Informatics, wanted to take up the offer, asking me to present to a group of her fellow trainees, sharing my experience of using digital technology within the nursing setting.
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