Partner Spotlight: HS4A, Human Security For All
HS4A is a member of GlobalMindED’s partner, the World Academy of Art and Science.?We look forward to welcoming both the World Academy of Art and Science and Human Security For All (HS4A) to Denver next June for our ten-year anniversary of the GlobalMindED Conference on June 17th (Inclusive Leader Dinner), 18th, and 19th. Join us! Learn more at
What is human security?
Human security starts with people and what it means for us to be safe and secure. It means security from harmful disruptions and calamities – in our homes, our jobs, our communities, and our environment.
It’s also about our needs and hopes, our chance to develop our potential, especially those of us who are the most vulnerable.
Human security is about empowering people to participate in making choices on how they can be most secure and resilient in the face of current and future risks.
Often policies and solutions assist people with one aspect of human security. But when a crisis comes along, it affects us in many ways.
Consider COVID-19, which threatened our lives and health but also our economies – many lost their jobs and their ability to put food on the table. Others, confined to their homes, experienced threats to their personal security.
Or consider people who have been forced to leave their homes due to natural disasters. People who are displaced need places to live and be safe, jobs and income to survive, but also community networks, a sense of belonging, and ways to sustain their culture and their dignity.
In response to these and other threats, our needs and hopes must be heard and heeded – our insecurities must be tackled together, comprehensively.
Without human security, there is no national or global security.
A new vision
We are energized by a vision of a safe, peaceful, and healthy planet, a vision of human security for all. The HS4A campaign seeks to galvanize people around this vision and to build momentum – and a global constituency – to bring human security to all of the world’s people, leaving no one behind.
About HS4A
The campaign involves youth organizations, technological innovators and financiers, scientists, educators, interfaith groups, parliamentarians, filmmakers, and artists – who together are involving millions of people in their networks – and millions more through social media – to call for human security for all.
Inspiring people to act
Through our website and social media, we shine a spotlight on people in the HS4A campaign who are taking action in their lives, with and for their communities. We do this to inspire others to act, building momentum and change. We also share remarkable stories of how people and communities on every continent have used the human security approach to tackle huge threats and create safer, resilient communities.
Achieving Agenda 2030
Human security for all is a unifying vision for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because its seven dimensions – from economic to environmental security – are part of the promise of the 2030 Agenda. Our HS4A activities seek to generate action and political will to meet the SDGs. In the words of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres : “It is time to place human security at the forefront of our global commitments.”
What you can do
There is a lot happening in 2023! People across the world – from young leaders to parliamentarians to scientists and filmmakers – are expressing what human security means to them and making it real in their lives. Join us in calling for human security for all and share it within your circles of influence. Return to our website and follow us on social media to find out what’s happening and get inspired about how you can take part. We warmly welcome you.
The Seven Dimensions of Human Security