Partner with SNOW Planet Services for Employee Journeys Transformation!
SNOW Planet Services - #ServiceNow Center of #Architecture, #Quality, #Excellence & #Innovation
Experience a world of customer-centric innovations through our offerings on the #nowplatform.
Elevate #employeeservices: Give your workforce what they need, when they need it. Embed intelligence into all their interactions to break down silos.
The new era of HR work is here, say hello to #servicenow #employeeworkflows!
#EmployeeExperience platform market has arrived: Deliver the right experience to employees anywhere and improve productivity by streamlining the employee service experience with intelligent #workflowautomation!
Realize a return on investment using #nowplatform which includes these HR capabilities:
Key applications: Journey Designer and Journey Accelerator.
#SNOWPlanetServices team of automation engineers will work with you to guide you through our #advisoryservices, building #platformcapabilities and supporting these #automationsolutions:
Integration of HR Service Delivery with third-party systems:
We use Enterprise Service Management Integrations Framework for third-party #integrations.
Integration of HR Service Delivery with ServiceNow applications:
We build integrations for various use cases:
So, if you are planning for scaling service delivery across HR, please reach us to configure your implementation:
~Email: [email protected].
~Call: +91-8470967420.
Please check our company's?#socialmedia?handles for all the latest updates: