Partner Origination Platform
Verity Search a well-known search firm in the industry, helps lenders hire the best talent. President Jim Boghos believes times are changing and search firms must also now evolve. "Lenders fuel our business and as margin compression has affected them, recruiting firms must also now adapt alongside them. Announcing POP, (Partner Origination Platform) by Verity Search. "We are proud to offer this advanced concept in mortgage production building. Recruiter and Lender objectives are now finally aligned" said Boghos. Verity's POP Program claims to build production teams without charging the exorbitant up-front placement fees. The shared risk model has already seen tremendous early success. "POP ensures the lender investment associated with opening new branches. The failure rate is eliminated while guaranteeing the volume growth. Verity now becomes your trusted partner" Boghos added. Deron White 407-725-7350 main 407-860-8208 cell [email protected]