Partner Newsletter: April 2024
New Feature in Rockton Pricing Management Coming Soon
Save Valuable Time with Data Sync
Data Sync for Rockton Pricing Management is a cutting-edge solution poised to revolutionize data transfer with unparalleled speed and synchronization. This innovative technology not only accelerates data transfer processes but also enhances synchronization timelines. Data Sync simplifies complexities, ensuring seamless integration and boosting overall efficiency. Moreover, its robust performance offers enhanced reliability, while providing newfound flexibility to seamlessly integrate ERP data into Rockton Pricing Management.
Rockton Pricing Management is officially listed on Microsoft AppSource!
In addition, we'll be launching Rockton Pricing Management for Business Central at Directions North America 2024! Details below.
Directions North America 2024
Sunday, April 14th - Thursday, April 17th in San Diego
Visit us at Expo Kiosk N3
Where will Rockton be? On both Monday and Tuesday mornings, Mark, Jenn, and Blake will be in the breakfast area. Come down and share a meal with us.
Then, on Monday, April 15th at 1 pm PT at Shorebreak 1/2, Mark will be joining Bob Bond, President of Bond Consulting Services, and Patrick Doolin, CEO of Integrity Data, in a lively panel discussion about using the EOS system to elevate your business. This session will be facilitated by Ora Goldman, CEO of Mekorma.
Finally, on Tuesday, April 16th at 5 pm PT at Tidepool 2, Mark will be presenting the pricing management hero that can help reduce the workload of manual pricing calculations, gain the ability to quickly adjust prices in response to market changes, and minimize revenue loss.
Look out for the Rockton Software signs in the breakfast area, stop by our Kiosk N3, and mark your calendar for Mark's session!
Using a Cost-Plus Pricing Strategy?
Rockton Pricing Management is Your Pricing Solution.
We will be offering a 30-minute overview of Rockton Pricing Management nearly every Tuesday at 10 am MT. Ideal for any company in the distribution, manufacturing, technology, professional services, and wholesale/retail industries, Rockton Pricing Management can help you automate even the most complex pricing scenarios and calculations.
Get the Most Out of Dynamics GP
The second Wednesday of every month at 12 pm MT, we will give you a quick overview of all the tools in our toolbox to help maximize your GP investment. Discover if SmartFill, Auditor, Dynamics GP Toolbox, Dynamics Report Manager or OmniPrice (or any combination of these) is right for you and your team.
Unlocking the Power of Dynamics GP:
Transforming HR Management with Integrity Data and Rockton Software Solutions
Thursday, May 2nd starting at 1 pm MT
Join Patrick Doolin, CEO of Integrity Data, and Mark Rockwell, President of Rockton Software, on Thursday, May 2nd from 1 pm to 2 pm MT to gain insights, discover solutions, and network with industry leaders. They will explore how Integrity Data's cutting-edge solutions combined with Rockton Software's innovative products can revolutionize your HR operations and empower your workforce like never before.
Check Out Popular GP Tools
We continue to see very strong demand for our Dynamics GP product line from customers who are not quite ready to move. These are the Rockton Products that are currently in high demand:
Please reach out directly to Blake to set up a demo for any of your clients here.
Does a Reduction in Price Attract Customers?
In this blog, we will explore the dynamics of pricing and delve into effective strategies to execute a reduction in price to attract customers without incurring significant loss.
10 Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks to Work Simpler & Easier?
Here at Rockton, our mission is to help you Work Simpler & Easier? in Dynamics GP, which is why we’ve gathered ten tips and tricks for you to try.
How Dynamic Pricing Can Help You Stay Competitive in a Fast-Changing Market
To increase profits post-pandemic, dynamic pricing could be your biggest asset. We’ll break down how to use dynamic pricing to your advantage in a fast-changing competitive market.