Partition and Replication
The manner in which a data set is distributed between multiple nodes is very important. In order for any computation to happen, we need to locate the data and then act on it.
There are two basic techniques that can be applied to a data set. It can be split over multiple nodes (partitioning) to allow for more parallel processing. It can also be copied or cached on different nodes to reduce the distance between the client and the server and for greater fault tolerance (replication).
The picture illustrates the difference between these two: partitioned data (A and B below) is divided into independent sets, while replicated data (C below) is copied to multiple locations.
This is the one-two punch for solving any problem where distributed computing plays a role. Of course, the trick is in picking the right technique for your concrete implementation; there are many algorithms that implement replication and partitioning, each with different limitations and advantages which need to be assessed against your design objectives.
Partitioning is dividing the dataset into smaller distinct independent sets; this is used to reduce the impact of dataset growth since each partition is a subset of the data.
Partitioning is also very much application-specific, so it is hard to say much about it without knowing the specifics. That's why the focus is on replication in most texts, including this one.
Partitioning is mostly about defining your partitions based on what you think the primary access pattern will be, and dealing with the limitations that come from having independent partitions (e.g. inefficient access across partitions, different rate of growth etc.).
Replication is making copies of the same data on multiple machines; this allows more servers to take part in the computation.
Replication - copying or reproducing something - is the primary way in which we can fight latency.
Replication is about providing extra bandwidth, and caching where it counts. It is also about maintaining consistency in some way according to some consistency model.
Replication allows us to achieve scalability, performance and fault tolerance. Afraid of loss of availability or reduced performance? Replicate the data to avoid a bottleneck or single point of failure. Slow computation? Replicate the computation on multiple systems. Slow I/O? Replicate the data to a local cache to reduce latency or onto multiple machines to increase throughput.
Replication is also the source of many of the problems, since there are now independent copies of the data that has to be kept in sync on multiple machines - this means ensuring that the replication follows a consistency model.
The choice of a consistency model is crucial: a good consistency model provides clean semantics for programmers (in other words, the properties it guarantees are easy to reason about) and meets business/design goals such as high availability or strong consistency.
Only one consistency model for replication - strong consistency - allows you to program as-if the underlying data was not replicated. Other consistency models expose some internals of the replication to the programmer. However, weaker consistency models can provide lower latency and higher availability - and are not necessarily harder to understand, just different.
I hope you found the article useful.
Happy Coding :)