Particles as sinks instead of sources (booklet)

Particles as sinks instead of sources (booklet)

v.2 n. 3

Most of these articles were published as general posts before the Newsletter platform. The concept is a central theme of the Newsletter, and testable in principle, though likely a challenge due to the weakness of gravity. The concept is central because, if confirmed, it removes the need to renormalize in quantum theory; the particle infinities, causality and other problems are associated with it.

Chapter 1, the italics portion by Paul S. Wesson, might serve as an introduction to the booklet. The inability to find supersymmetric particles, though, puts this more in the historical category, but it covers a lot of ground, and sets the stage. Non-specialists should probably begin with Chapter 2. The extreme mass problem of Chapter 1 is addressed in many of the other articles.

Chapter 1. Unexplained extreme mass of zero-point fields addressed, No. 20 in series | LinkedIn

Chapter 2. Could particles be gravitational sinks rather than sources? | LinkedIn

Chapter 3. The Uncertainty Principle and particles as gravitational sinks | LinkedIn

Chapter 4. (1) Negative mass reinterpreted, No. 16 in series | LinkedIn

Chapter 5. (2) Addressing the horizon and causality problems in cosmology and astrophysics, No. 19 in series | LinkedIn

Chapter 6. (2) Why do all electrons seem to be the same, and so what? | LinkedIn

Chapter 7. Resolving the double-slit experiment mystery with particles as gravitational sinks? (Number 12 in "Unity" series) | Linked


Chapter 9. Why does the predicted mass of the quantum vacuum have little effect on the expansion of the universe?* | LinkedIn


