Atomic Business Coaching
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This week Adam and Tom took a deep dive into “Business Behavior”.
Each section below is meant to both support and enhance our Business Behavior course. For the full experience, find the course this newsletter was based on in our two communities here.
Our goal is to help business owners to understand why they must “Believe” in the roles they play in their business so that they adopt the “Behaviors” required to “Become” successful businesses who achieve their goals.
"You are not your resume; you are your work." -- Seth Godin
"As a small business owner, you are the face of your brand. Your behavior, attitude, and actions set the tone for your entire company." - Adam T. Hurd
Here are the top 3 behavioral factors contributing to the success of small business owners:
Resilience and Perseverance:
70% of successful small business owners credit their resilience and ability to persevere through challenges as a key factor in their success. (Source: Inc.)
Adaptability and Innovation:
82% of successful small business owners attribute their achievements to their willingness to adapt to market changes and embrace innovative strategies. (Source: Harvard Business Review)
Customer-Centric Approach:
Small business owners who prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences are 60% more likely to achieve long-term success. (Source: Forbes)
These behavioral factors highlight the proactive approaches and mindset that contribute to the success of small business owners.
Alex had recently embarked on the bold journey of launching an independent architectural firm, eager to make a mark in the world of design. However, the road was more challenging than Alex had anticipated. In the beginning, Alex struggled to balance the myriad responsibilities that came with running the firm. It wasn't until Alex fully embraced the diverse roles required - from the visionary CEO who shapes the future of the firm, the detail-oriented Chief Operating Officer managing projects and timelines, to the engaging salesperson cultivating relationships with clients - that the firm began to see real success. Alex realized that embracing these roles was not just about holding titles; it was about adopting the mindset and behaviors necessary for each aspect of the business. The moment Alex believed in being not just an architect, but also a CEO, COO, and salesperson, everything changed.
This shift in perspective allowed Alex to strategically position the firm, streamline project workflows, and connect with clients on a more meaningful level. By believing in the importance of each role, Alex demonstrated the confidence and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of the architecture industry. The firm flourished, becoming a beacon of innovation and design excellence. For new service providers stepping into the entrepreneurial world, Alex's story is a powerful lesson: to achieve the results you aspire to, you must first recognize and wholeheartedly embrace the various hats you wear. Only then can you adopt the behaviors crucial for leading your business to success. Remember, believing in your ability to fulfill these roles is the cornerstone of realizing your business's full potential.
Why Leaders Should Resist the Urge to Fix Everything (Atomic Summary)
Leaders often rush to provide immediate solutions instead of coaching their teams through challenges, hindering their growth and problem-solving capabilities. Research shows that many executives struggle with diagnosing problems effectively. To address this, leaders should prioritize coach-like curiosity, actively listen, and offer feedback and advice with genuine intent and thoughtful consideration. This approach fosters an environment of respect, trust, and autonomy, signaling that the leader respects the expertise of their team members and refrains from imposing premature solutions.
Engaging in self-reflection and remaining open to the perspectives and values of others can enhance the impact of feedback and advice provided by leaders. By embracing a culture of prolonged curiosity, communication and understanding within the organization can significantly improve. Ultimately, this allows for a deeper understanding of challenges and the most effective approaches to address them, benefiting both the leaders and their teams.
In summary, leaders can better serve their teams by prioritizing curiosity over immediate solutions, actively listening, and offering feedback and advice with genuine intent and thoughtful consideration. This approach fosters an environment of respect, trust, and autonomy, ultimately enhancing communication and understanding within the organization.
Full Article here. Fast Company: Why leaders need to resist the urge to fix everything
Now you have gained new insights to behave like a business owner. The information from both this newsletter and our free course in our communities (see link at top of newsletter) will strengthen your ability to comprehend the importance of believing in your roles within the businesses, thereby embracing the necessary behaviors to become successful entrepreneurs that accomplish their objectives.