PART XVII - The Secret Of Longevity - Coach = Bison.

PART XVII - The Secret Of Longevity - Coach = Bison.

One secret of being able to coach for a long time is being a bison.

So today in Winston-Salem / Kernersville it has been stormy. School is out due to the threat of severe weather in and around the area. The school systems, whether you agree with them or not on cancelling school, were just trying to get out ahead of the potentially bad weather.

It got me to thinking about something I saw on National Geographic way back when about how bison handle themselves during winter storms.

Bison, when sensing that a storm is coming, don't sit back or run away from it. They run towards the storm knowing that the quickest way to get past a storm is to run towards it, face it head on and then watch as it passes on to the next area.

It is just like coaching basketball for me.

There are storms of all sizes that have to be dealt with during the course of a season: a strong opponent coming up, a team issue that needs to be handled or a parent problem that has to be straightened out.

Whatever the strength of the storm is, go straight towards it to get it over with so you can move on.

Attacking storms like a bison requires 1) Having a plan, 2) Being brave, and 3) There's better days ahead.

Have A Plan.

Having A Plan:

When bison go head first into a storm, they make sure to avoid obstacles like trees, ditches, lakes and cliffs that could hurt them more than the upcoming storm. In other words, the bison has / have a plan and are not recklessly running into the storm.

When you, as a coach, are preparing to play a strong opponent and know that you have to deal with not just the opposing team but with their fans, the environment and whatever else may come with it, you can't just go in without a plan.

My high school program has been in several situations like this in the past. We knew ahead of time that the opponent was going to be tough and then, on top of that, making sure that we didn't get distracted by the atmosphere that was coming with the opponent. That took mental conditioning that was done back at the start of the season and physical conditioning which is a daily "exercise" so that if and when that storm can't be avoided we are not running away from it but running towards it...and not just running towards it but running towards it with all the confidence in the world that we are going to make it through unscathed while avoiding all of the obstacles.

Being Brave.

Being Brave:

You have to be brave. Being brave requires, again, preparation.

One thing I tell ALL of my teams before the first game of each season and then once again when we get to "one of those games" is "If you are nervous that is perfectly fine and natural... that means you are excited about playing. "However if you are scared then you need to stay in the locker room because you know you haven't prepared properly and know that you aren't ready".

Then there are the moments where I tell a team "Look, your worst fears are going to cross your mind at some point. "This is where your faith has to kick in. "In other words, fear knocked on the door, but faith answered and no one was there."

Doubts will cross your mind, the "What If's" will as well. Yet, they will be leave your mind quickly when you begin to focus on what needs to be done versus what could go wrong.

Bison know that the storm is going to hit them straight in the face; that's a given. They, however, push right through determined to outlast whatever weather is coming at them.

There Are Better Days Ahead.

There Are Better Days Ahead:

Storms don't last forever. The quicker you deal with a storm, the quicker you can get to sunshine and blue skies.

If you have a problem on your team and you run from that "storm" the "storm" won't go away, it will grow. Before you know it, you'll have something on your hands that you cannot control.

The rain, snow, whatever hitting you head on may be uncomfortable for a moment, but if you keep telling yourself to keep going, it will be over before you know it.

Attacking storms allows you to have more days that are beautiful as a coach. You have to keep an eye on the skies though at all times looking for the next approaching storm. After a while, experience gives you wisdom to anticipate when and what direction the next storm is coming from so you can go ahead and start moving towards, sometimes, before it even forms.

In Conclusion:

Storms are unavoidable. They are going to happen. Honestly, you need them to grow. You need them to challenge yourself. You need them to make you find things inside of you that you didn't know you had internally.

Don't be scared of storms. Attack them. Be smart in your attack by planning and preparing, but know that like everything else it will pass. When it does, you'll be better for the storm if you handled things the right way.

Yours For Better Basketball Always,

Brian Robinson / Coach R


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