Part TWO: Running a coaching business... or any service based company for that matter.
Alecia Repp
Executive Coach ?? Rebel On The Rise ?? Mindset ?? Build a Disruptive 1-of-a-kind Brand
Part TWO: Running a coaching business.
… or any service based company for that matter.
Running a coaching business is such a rewarding career.
I’ve known for years before I started my coaching business that it’s what I was meant to do.
What I love about this business is that you can run it in any way that you desire.
You could do all one to one, mix it up with group programs and private. You could do masterminds, retreats and courses, etc.
There are so many ways in which you can serve your clients and tribe.
There can be levels to your business, where you help people grow WITH you.
You can provide tons of free value to your tribe so they can start their growth journey and then work their way into your programs to keep levelling themselves up.
Being a coach, you can train your people on ANYTHING that you are great at.
That’s why I love building a personal brand around my coaching business.
As I grow, and as I keep levelling myself up - I can keep creating new programs, packages and services that share that wisdom.
You’re not stuck to ONE thing your entire life…
There are ways to break down your knowledge into many kinds of trainings, breakthroughs and results for your clients.
You can say the same thing many ways, so that many different kinds of people GET IT.
That’s what I love about running a coaching business, connecting with all sorts of people from all walks of life and helping them get to the next level, whatever that is for them.
For me, I started with trauma healing and business development. Those will always be my cornerstone pillars of my business theme.
Within that though, there are SO MANY branches that can be turned into monetizable content.
I used to get very confused thinking about how I was going to package up all of my wisdom and share it with those who need it.
At the time, it was a daunting thought. Felt like there were so many moving parts and so many skills to learn still..
Now it’s been 7 years of practise and implementation. 7 years of failures, successes and learning curves.
Finally, when Troy and I started dating and running our LOCATION FREE business it all started to come together.
We took the time to break down the pieces of the puzzle.
First it was dedicating ourselves to daily value based content. Using storytelling, heart and soul.
Now, content just flows off my finger tips. If I don’t write and share daily I start to get myself out of flow. It’s now part of WHO I AM, I can’t NOT write now…
From the content, learning how to get better at copywriting mechanisms to move people to action. Direct response writing in our marketing.
That was such a fun learning curve. I would say I naturally talk and write that way anyways, but for me bringing some more sass and fierceness to that was my growth.
My writing was very soft before.
Waffley my copy mentor would say.
“You’re waffling on again” lol!
I had to get comfortable being BOLD AF, and sharing the results I get people with confidence.
I have no problems being bold in person, that’s really just who I am.
Online, it’s taken time to cultivate that - and if I’m being honest I’m still working on that! It’s a constant evolution.
Then we worked on being able to put together irresistible offers that people would buy. Offer creation is one of the most important skills to cultivate.
The reason is because if you have an irresistible offer, your marketing doesn’t even have to be that good.
But, if your offer absolutely sucks no amount of 5 star marketing is going to get people to buy it.
Then I spent 2 years trying different styles of launching / promoting my offers.
That was immensely challenging, and very much confronting. It used to tear me up inside, and make me feel SO SMALL.
Gosh, it made me look at what I was doing, and making sure I could put my name on it proudly.
Selling was the most uncomfortable thing to me.
Especially in “launch mode”.
Before I started launching things, I was just chatting with people, hopping on sales calls and closing them on one to one packages.
I’m SO GLAD I stuck it through the launch and promotions learning curve.
Once you GET IT, and find your own grove with it - it becomes such an empowering practise.
If you get really freaking great at launching stuff, you can make SO MUCH MONEY.
It’s not the ONLY way to make tons of money…
but it’s one of them.
Seems pretty obvious…
the more you offer, and the more you sell…
the more you’ll make!!
The next learning curve was speeding ALL OF THIS UP.
Getting quicker and quicker at it.
Holding onto ideas for shorter amounts of time, and getting into ACTION with them quickly.
This has been very healing if I’m being honest.
It’s so liberating. Coming up with ideas, putting them out there with less attachment and just keep on moving.
My mentor has a great concept. One offer is not going to make or break your empire. Just stay in creation mode, stay in the flow and keep putting your ideas out there. You never know which ones are going to pop off.
That has allowed me to get even more creative and QUICK about my offers and turning my ideas into CASHFLOW!
Ideas are infinite, I’m sure you feel that way too.
You can monetize MOST of them!!
The discernment is, where to put your energy and how to discipline you day to make it all work together.
There’s more that we’ve spent time cultivating…
Feels like another post for another day.
Did you enjoy this?
What else would you like to know about running a coaching / service based business?
Happy to share my experiences with it from running an online and offline coaching and education business.
So much love,
Alecia Repp xo
Your Trusted Guide
PS: Building a brand? Scaling your service business?
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