Part Two: 12 lessons I've learned in the past 12 months.

Part Two: 12 lessons I've learned in the past 12 months.

In *Part One, I reflected on 6 lessons I learned in the past 12 months, inspired by the amazing Monk turned podcaster: **Jay Shetty. He urged his listeners to celebrate and share their 12 lessons!!



Lesson 7:?Drowning out the noise and only listening to business news.

Very early on in the pandemic, for my own sanity and positivity, I decided to turn off the very depressing and draining news. There’s no value in it. If something really important (actually) happens, what you can absolutely guarantee, is that someone you know will tell you!! I’ve learned that business news, podcasts, reading a book are all extremely positive and ‘great’ ways to start the day. And the extra bonus is, whatever you’ve learned that morning is a much better conversation starter! My huge takeaway, is I stepped away from the ‘circle of concern’ i.e. Covid, and I stayed firmly in the positivity zone!! This has had a huge impact on my work and personal life!!

Lesson 8:?Surround yourself with A-Class Players.?

As the saying goes, ‘You are the Average Of the Five People You Spend the Most Time With. I have made a conscious effort both in my personal and work life to keep improving whom I spend time with! It hasn’t quite meant dropping old friends, but it’s certainly meant spending less time with any ‘Debbie Downers’ or ‘Mood Hoovers’. I’ve made a conscious effort to spend time with people who are super positive and career-focused. Work-wise, I’ve entered a whole new spectrum of A-Class Players associated with our new partnership – certainly people that I aspire to be as successful as!

Lesson 9: The Time is Now?

If the last 12 months have taught me nothing else, it’s to ‘act now’. I think it’s been incredibly cathartic and reflective for many people. Many people have changed up what they are doing, and for me, it’s simply made me hungrier than ever to absolutely ‘go for it’ in my business. I have acted ‘now’ with key hires and also with my new business partnership.?

Lesson 10:??Dare to Dream

Spending time on what you really want in life, really does work. And, I mean, really good solid, quality time. Not just a passing moment, or even an hour. I mean, locking yourself away for a day, two days, or even a week, and getting super focussed on what you really want. AND, most importantly, setting an action plan for how to achieve and revisit it regularly! I took a few days in isolation to really focus last year. And what shone through was my absolute ‘hunger’ to catapult my business into another spectrum. And that week, I made a decision to stop listening to the negative news stories and concentrate only on the positive growth of my business and brand. Take a leap of faith Helen, and believe it will be ok again.

And, I'm pleased to say, that 'decision' really was a turning point.

Guess what? Everything I wanted, happened. Within a very quick amount of time. One year on, we’ve got our brand new office, 3 new members of staff taking us up to 6, and, in an amazing turn of events, we now also have our brand new business partner!

Lesson 11:?Spirituality is a journey.?

I’ve made recently made it to a whopping 150 hours of meditation in the past month or so, and it’s in the last month that it’s taken on a whole new meaning. I’ve recently read, The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne, discovered the incredible Spiritual Leader, Mooji and I’m currently reading, Lester Levenson, Happiness is Free. The true beauty of the accumulation of all of this, is a calmer mind, an ability to let the small things bounce off like rain on a window and a greater understanding and compassion for other people.

Lesson 12:?Living by the sea is like returning home.

We moved to Exmouth to a house very close to the sea in December 2020, and it felt like returning home. I grew up by the sea in Newquay, Cornwall and since moving, I’ve realised just how much I’ve missed living by the sea. At a deep level, the sea makes me incredibly happy and content. I can simply never get bored of the way the sea changes on a daily, even hourly basis, it’s just such a tonic. Studies also show that living by the sea is better for your health, you are more likely to exercise, swimming is great for a whole host of health problems plus you're more likely to sleep better at night (great for little ones too!)

The most amazing and rewarding part, is for my own children to have the sort of upbringing I had, simplicity by the sea.



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