Part Ten - An Interim Assignment
I sat and pondered this could get out of hand if not tackled properly. Before long both Scott and Paula came into the office. Scott sat down. Again, I came away from my desk and sat with him and Paula.
“Thanks for coming Scott” He sat in silence. “We spoke to Nadeem today and I have a better understanding of what occurred on the day of the incident.”
“You mean his understanding?” Scott said forcefully.
“Yes, his understanding.” I placated. “I have asked Nadeem to return to work as he is now of suspension.” Scott glared.
“What do you mean. He refused a direct order from my team leader his direct boss!”
“I know but we didn’t really follow up correctly to log it all.” Scott interrupted.
“No, I’m sorry I have got to support my team leader here. We cannot have people making up their own minds if they will do something or not. You got to back me on this Frank I told Rob I’m backing him. I’ve already told Rob, Nadeem not going back into the warehouse. Rob doesn’t want him there.”
“Scott, I hear you but the manner in which this so-called reasonable request was given was not conducive to the normal protocol one would expect.” Scott erupted.
“Bullshit, he didn’t obey an order that’s the truth of it.” I sat in silence so Scott could calm down. Paula sat observing. I broke the silence.
“Obey? Order? Are these the words really that you are using and trying to hide behind Reasonable request and being asked?” Scott sat in silence.
“Scott have you ever heard of unconscious bias? “Scott shook his head. I continued “
“Unconscious bias are usually social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals from outside their own conscious awareness.” Scott looked confused I continued “Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups and these biases usually comes from the tendency to organise social worlds by categorising.” Scott still looked confused. “Ok tell me what the security guard looks like on nights?” I asked. Scott came out of his thoughtfulness.
“I don’t know him.”
“Him?” how do you know it’s a him? Scott looked perplexed. “ok Scott what do you think the night security guard would look like if it was a him?” I asked. Scott thought for a second
“Well I suppose late middle aged retired even. Overweight balding white hair I guess.”
“Precisely without knowing it you described an unconscious bias to all security guards.” Paula smiled. I turned to Paula.
“Paula who we got on nights for security.”
“Her name is Jenny and she a graduate student studying physical biology. She also a very competent kick boxer. She does it to earn a little more cash for her studies” I turned to Scott who was in silence.
“You see Scott if I asked you who was on reception you would unconsciously picture Jenny.”
“Don’t feel bad Scott unconscious bias is far more prevalent than conscious prejudice and often incompatible to one’s own conscious values. Certain scenarios can activate unconscious attitudes and beliefs. For example, bias is more prevalent when working under pressure.”
“Rob was under pressure it was month end and he needed to get the lorries away. Correct.?” Scott nodded. “I get why he didn’t want Charlie to pick up his mess as he was the only far reach truck driver there on the day. Correct?” Scott nodded. “Rob made the right decision there no doubt. However, he turned to the dispatch packers four in all and clicked his fingers at the only Asian guy there.”
Scott eyes widened. “Rob not racist.” He declared. “I know Scott” I countered. “And unconsciously he turned to the only person that didn’t fall into his own stereotypical group.” Scott sat back motionless. “That happens as an unconscious decision when under extreme pressure. Its natural. I have no issues with the way Rob decided I have an issue on how he asked.”
Scott looked puzzled. “Scott had you taken the appropriate steps in the investigation and asked the witnesses what happened and taken everyone statements you would have picked out the real issues. Rob humiliated and degraded Nadeem in front of his peers’ colleagues and friends. That’s the real issue here.”
Scott sat in silence. “I have told Rob I am supporting him I cannot change that” Scott declared.
“I know and that’s before you knew all the facts. A valuable lesson here Scott.” Scott demeanour changed and he nodded in acknowledgement.
“So, our predicament now is Rob.” Paula nodded in agreement.
“Scott do me a favour go and get Rob to come up here would you please?” Scott stood up and left the room but with less swagger than when he came in.
Paula spoke up “So we got a team leader who thinks he has the full support of his manager, his manager has committed to him. We got the shop steward supporting the employee who is aggrieved at all this. So how we going to please everyone on this?”
“I know” I said thoughtfully. Within ten minutes Rob and Scott will be in my office.