This Was Not Part of My Business Plan

This Was Not Part of My Business Plan

Sometimes, while we are building our businesses, life throws us a task that we feel obligated to see through. That’s what happened to me recently. I was involved with a man for about a month and was relieved when it seemed to be fizzling as I had tried to break it off twice before, only to be duped back into continuing. It was right at the point of our being done that I received a message from a woman I didn’t know, who informed me that the relationship was not what I had thought it was. Upon further investigation and responses to my blog that I had been writing for weeks previously, I learned that this was not a simple case of a cheating womanizer.

It seemed far more likely a case of an addict who was a danger to women and in a position in which he could be a danger to a great many others.

He is a firefighter.

A captain of the local department.

I won’t retell that whole story. It is ongoing and several pages of posts on my blog. My purpose here is to say that sometimes we are drawn into something that is not part of our business plan. Those of us who are still employed to a point by others, might find ourselves defending our choice to say something.

They don’t want the attention. They feel it is drama. They want you to just be quiet and let it go.

But only you know if this is a task worthy of your effort. There are things more important than a company’s bottom line, whether your employer’s or your own.

My business projects have taken a backseat for a couple weeks as I’ve done more research and fielded responses from previous victims and other people who know him. It has taken far more time than I anticipated, but it needed to be taken.

Some advice from one small business owner to another… Have a plan and work the plan, but when necessary for a greater good… set the plan down for a while.


