A Part Of The Journey Is The End
How is it feel to be a #hybrid specialist?
“Fantastic!” Simple word with an evil laugh to answer the common frequently asked question.
The feeling is too intricate for me to put in word. One day you woke up as Natalia Alianova Romanova, then next day you’ll probably feel like Jemma Simmons. Not to be forgotten, there will be also a chance that you might need to call-off the day as SHE-Hulk.
Morning, you be at your desk by eight and the next thing you realise, it’s already end of the day. But, there's still lot of pending matters on your plate. Without you noticed, the plate is getting smaller and smaller, yet inside it keep on bulking up. So do your greed. And most of the time as well you’re baffling like a ship in a gale. Trying to be ahead of time. Don’t talk about sacrifice and losses. The list probably gonna take more than 3 days to list out.
Yes, It’s not an easy role. While machine learning and AI is taking over the place, it still need a normal human-being to think ahead of it. It’s all about algorithm. It is all about calculation, clustering, yada yada yada yada.
Then what’s next? Matching the intelligent capacity? Rules of thumb? ROI?
I don’t know. To be precise am not sure anymore how’s it feeling to be hybrid specialist. Definitely, I never regret it. It was a beautiful years despite the topsy-turvy. But for now, what I wish these days is to be able to sleep well. Too much losing sleep since the “specialist” title onboard.
Tomorrow is our country 62nd Independence Day and also Mama’s birthday. In few days, I’ll be off from the tenuring and in less than few months, I’ll be back at school. Playing the role as stubborn and mischievous daughter to my favourite lecturers once more. Wish me luck!
Anyway, wishing every Malaysian, Happy Independence Day, Malaysia! It has been a wonderful 62-year, may we preserved it longer and forever if possible.
Cheers to happiness!
#IndependenceDay #specialist #lifeoptimisation #attheendtenuring #SHEhulk #secretwar #hybrid #randomthought #onboard #luck