Part IV - Operating renewable rich grids, beyond operational matters, market is also changing, policy and regulations need to keep up...
Electricity markets, image credit PJM

Part IV - Operating renewable rich grids, beyond operational matters, market is also changing, policy and regulations need to keep up...

At our home we switch on a bulb and whole area gets illuminated or switch on an appliance and it works the way it is intended helping us with our day to day works. At the end of the month we get the bill (kW and kWh) and pay for it or if its prepaid, electricity is bought and consumed and the cycle continues (for god's sake don't ask how complex the measurement needs could still be or are made to be, so many different types of energies, displays and what not!!).

Now as we go to the other end, what does it mean at grid level, behind all this lies billions worth of transactions where, as it used to happen, big plants generate electricity, sell it to a reseller who in turn sells it to consumers. Simple thus far, but electricity is a typical commodity we know!!

It takes some time and big investment to build assets that can produce electricity and provide electrical energy when needed plus some mechanisms are needed that help balancing in real time.

So, it was always like electricity markets had three broad components, capacity, energy and ancillary services and each was important. Typically energy was by far the biggest chunk (value wise), capacity was less proportion, ancillary services were even lesser component and on top of it was whole transmission and distribution network assets and associated operational technology deployment amortization as per policy.

Over the period what has happened is, as resource adequacy has become more complex with weather dependent renewables making a major portion of generation assets, because of that capacity and ancillary services market are becoming much more important and a more significant portion, smaller still but they are rising!!

Also, in earlier times electricity market concern was primarily about when and to an extent where but now more importantly how flexibly is becoming more important!!

Market reforms, that can drive necessary investment in different types of assets with not just capacity and energy but also flexibility and enable business models that can deliver required services, are becoming more and more important. It's not without a significant market mechanism that facilitates supporting investments, technology and needed innovative business models, that some markets are able to run with very high intermittent renewable contribution many times. Even they are testing and piloting new models which will be useful for grids which are yet to reach those stages.

So, it's not just kW and kWh and when and where but how flexibly, which is becoming important and will keep on gaining weightage as we move to more and more renewable rich grids. Certainly it will put demands on the overall commercial mechanism and devices and systems to facilitate and handle that.

Welcome to the grids of the future which are not just technically but also commercially different!!

#renewableenergy #gridofthefuture #electricitymarket


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